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  1. Mild scoliosis? How to fix?: back pain, pregnant, yoga, doctor - Health and Wellness
  2. Ever spent a significant amount of time in the hospital? What did you do?: blood pressure, nurses - Health and Wellness
  3. Don't agree with my friend discharging himself: rehabilitation, disability, later - Health and Wellness
  4. Is a lung infection the same thing as pneumonia?: doctor, virus, danger - Health and Wellness
  5. Low Platelet Count & Acid Blockers: blood tests, reflux, effects, ears - Health and Wellness
  6. Eye pressure 21: prescription, eyes, ears - Health and Wellness
  7. Pain my back and side?: back pain, kidney stone, infect, ache - Health and Wellness
  8. Spinal Fusion surgery: scoliosis, back pain, infection, quit smoking - Health and Wellness
  9. Meeting dementia with food: diet, healing, medicine, itch - Health and Wellness
  10. The scope of practice for an lpn ! What meds can they give out!: nurse, therapy - Health and Wellness
  11. Interrmittent fast & inducing type 2 diabetes?: blood, diabetics, danger, medication - Health and Wellness
  12. News, Loss Of Sense Of Smell Could Carry Dangerous Consequences.: polyps, medical - Health and Wellness
  13. does using too much sugar effect a persons emotions?: diabetics, rehab, cravings - Health and Wellness
  14. Loss of appetite: colonoscopy, pain, blood, surgery - Health and Wellness
  15. Is It Normal for My Stomach to Be Doing This?: infection, hernia - Health and Wellness
  16. Back Pain Help!: MRI, skin, yoga, doctor - Health and Wellness
  17. Is Mantoux a test or vaccine? - Health and Wellness
  18. Foot inserts/orthotics: pain, surgery, doctor, prescription - Health and Wellness
  19. need ear infection information: painful, specialist, ears, antibiotic - Health and Wellness
  20. Vitamin D and Hairloss: hair, doctor, ears, prescribe - Health and Wellness
  21. Medically-induced coma for pneumonia?: ears, hospital, failure, severe - Health and Wellness
  22. Forgotten most of my childhood: tonsils, ears, kids, cause - Health and Wellness
  23. Laser hair removal gone wrong: high pain, doctor, treatment, natural - Health and Wellness
  24. I've had the same dry cough for 4 years straight: allergy, congestion, doctor - Health and Wellness
  25. Illness in 100 years time.: painful, smoking, arm, cancer - Health and Wellness
  26. Best way to eradicate papillomas: skin, surgery, doctor, treatment - Health and Wellness
  27. ?-Mirena IUD (side effects): pain, infection, bleeding, sore - Health and Wellness
  28. I can't sleep on my left side, advice needed.: blood pressure, doctor, ears - Health and Wellness
  29. Iron overload with high ferritin levels: daily basis, blood, dental, doctor - Health and Wellness
  30. Is there anything my doctor should be doing recurring kidney infection?: MRI, bladder - Health and Wellness
  31. difference Neosporin vs Polysporin ?: dermatologist, better, using, common - Health and Wellness
  32. Normal life with Heart failure?: defibrillator, implant, swollen, doctor - Health and Wellness
  33. Back Pain Lordosis, Piriformis Issues: xray, blood, pilates, surgery - Health and Wellness
  34. Is it safe and legal to use online pharmacies?: prescription, insurance, reviews - Health and Wellness
  35. Is there way to get the whites of your eyes brighter?: allergies, skin - Health and Wellness
  36. experience this?: thyroid, cold, blood, aches - Health and Wellness
  37. Billing questions: doctor, cause - Health and Wellness
  38. Has tried sleeping on a hammock full-time?: area, using - Health and Wellness
  39. Did I sleep walk?: depression, ears, results, Cary - Health and Wellness
  40. Basic Health Checks: blood pressure, doctor, heart rate, medical - Health and Wellness
  41. BP Meds Price increase...: blood pressure, insurance, cheap, ears - Health and Wellness
  42. Have you ever had a sleep study done?: pain, restless leg syndrome, blood - Health and Wellness
  43. For breathwork enthusiasts: Deep-breathing causing colds?: sinuses, cold, heart, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  44. Probiotics and Immune System Meds: colonoscopy, cramping, biopsy, diet - Health and Wellness
  45. Daily consumption of tea may protect the elderly from cognitive decline, study suggests: disease, medicine - Health and Wellness
  46. Change in headaches: pain, pregnant, cold, stiff neck - Health and Wellness
  47. Postprandial syndrome or reactive hypoglycemia after food: blood, symptom, feeling - Health and Wellness
  48. Intercostal Neuralgia: pain, sore, doctor, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  49. Should I run 2 races in the same week...: exercise, recovery, ears - Health and Wellness
  50. Telemedicine: allergy, blood pressure, sore, swollen - Health and Wellness
  51. for the men.. pain in our lower regions...: x-ray, exercise - Health and Wellness
  52. How do I know if I had a TB vaccine?: doctor, routine - Health and Wellness
  53. Does Probiotics Help With Preventing Bad Breath: teeth, cause, morning - Health and Wellness
  54. My Arm Hurts: pain, doctor, ears, feeling - Health and Wellness
  55. Three weeks of illness, exhausted!: bad breath, my throat, cold, infection - Health and Wellness
  56. Does ever (unconsciously) thrash around while sleeping?: dental, clinic, ears - Health and Wellness
  57. Vagus Nerve Stimulation: doctor, stomach, nose, medical - Health and Wellness
  58. The sinus surgery worked! on a delay?: sinuses, swelling, healing - Health and Wellness
  59. I think I have acid reflux: my throat, kidney, doctor, overweight - Health and Wellness
  60. methylprednisolone vs prednisone: allergy, skin, swelling, doctor - Health and Wellness
  61. B12 shot questions: blood, doctor, prescription, insurance - Health and Wellness
  62. How long until you catch the flu: flu shot, arms, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  63. Can you get a touch of the flu?: flu shot, cold, congestion - Health and Wellness
  64. News, Deadly Combination of Legal Beverages Kills Teen: diet, healthy, children - Health and Wellness
  65. Why You Can't Sleep at Night: pain, prescription, glasses, healing - Health and Wellness
  66. Older Men: Feats of Strength: ankle, hernia, doctor, specialist - Health and Wellness
  67. Can food cause gas for a whole week?: doctor, stress, later - Health and Wellness
  68. Need a for site for handicapped aids to browse: rehab, medical, time - Health and Wellness
  69. Itchy ears driving me nuts: allergy, infection, skin, sore - Health and Wellness
  70. bitten their tongue very bad - what to do?: pain, infected - Health and Wellness
  71. Feels like I'm swallowing razor blades, flu or something worse??: pain, my throat - Health and Wellness
  72. Why Would Fingers Be Very, Very Slightly Moving?: diet, tremor, clinic - Health and Wellness
  73. Dermatologists on the board...? (Weird skin issue): blood, arms, doctor - Health and Wellness
  74. which food or drink thins the blood?: alcohol - Health and Wellness
  75. Cat scratch disease CSD: skin, doctor, symptoms, treated - Health and Wellness
  76. Does this sound like cellulitis? Advice: pain, flu shot, ankle - Health and Wellness
  77. Suffering from sciatica.: hysterectomy, pain, yoga, doctor - Health and Wellness
  78. News, Mom put nacho cheese on her Doritos. Three weeks later, she’s still in the hospital.: medicine, break - Health and Wellness
  79. I treat my lower back sprains without a doctor app't: x-rays, pain - Health and Wellness
  80. D'Oxyva: back pain, skin, surgery, replacement - Health and Wellness
  81. Low-dose THC has opposite effects in old vs. young mice: implant, treatment - Health and Wellness
  82. dizziness, 1 month after hernia surgery: pain, doctor, surgeon, reaction - Health and Wellness
  83. Something is wrong with me: doctor, reaction, scan, ears - Health and Wellness
  84. IBS or fibroids: hysterectomy, colonoscopy, pain, pregnancy - Health and Wellness
  85. Peculiar pain in my elbow: arm, nerve, finger, ears - Health and Wellness
  86. Vision loss and double vision: MRI, blurred, blood, doctor - Health and Wellness
  87. Have shingles, now terrible sore throat!!!: best, viral - Health and Wellness
  88. Flu Type A - Different Symptoms: sore, congestion, tonsils - Health and Wellness
  89. Need help finding a primary care doctor: insurance, specialist, treat - Health and Wellness
  90. Cold / Sinus Infection.... What?? (not for weak stomachs): sinuses, syrup, doctor - Health and Wellness
  91. Lanced boil - Health and Wellness
  92. Vitamin D deficiency: pain, kidney, blood, swelling - Health and Wellness
  93. Chronic Hives in two family members!: allergy, painful, skin, blood - Health and Wellness
  94. tingling hurt in my lags while sleeping then goes away in 15 mins: blood, arm - Health and Wellness
  95. thyroid removal: blood, hormone, sore, surgery - Health and Wellness
  96. Inflammation in my neck, what could it be?: pains, hernia, swollen - Health and Wellness
  97. Is it Safe to Run 5K's With a Pacemaker @ 73?: defibrillator, doctor, ears - Health and Wellness
  98. Eye correction OR hoax: painful, exercises, glasses, ears - Health and Wellness
  99. What does NHC mean in a lipids profile?: doctor, cholesterol, results - Health and Wellness
  100. Medical Incompetence/Neglicence: MRI, xray, pain, infection - Health and Wellness
  101. Is there a glasses chain which holds 2 pair of glasses?: ears, contacts - Health and Wellness
  102. Can you become lactose intolerant with age?: doctor, bloating, stomach - Health and Wellness
  103. TMI - Mirena IUD and negative side effects: surgery, cramping, doctor - Health and Wellness
  104. has a knot from hell? Anything that actually works to get rid off?: elbow, cheap - Health and Wellness
  105. Can't have a conversation or be in a crowded place without breaking into a sweat: hot flashes, phobia - Health and Wellness
  106. If technology is making us more active, then why do we still have an obesity problem?: exercise, healthy - Health and Wellness
  107. Wife in 50s has a strange bony bump ...: cyst, pain, swollen - Health and Wellness
  108. Is it ok to exercise while recuperating from bronchitis?: cold, doctor, recovery - Health and Wellness
  109. Shingles shot: infection, advantage, doctor, prescription - Health and Wellness
  110. I'm so tired all the time and starting to get really frustrated...: painful, thyroid - Health and Wellness
  111. with Difficult Veins for IV's?: pain, skin, blood tests - Health and Wellness
  112. Cataract surgery and driving: doctor, lenses, eyes, healing - Health and Wellness
  113. Is there a condition that can cause someone to be very sensitive to sound?: migraines, medical - Health and Wellness
  114. Get Rid of Toenail Fungus?: infections, skin, cheapest - Health and Wellness
  115. Tried Stem Cell Treatment: infection, surgery, doctor, insurance - Health and Wellness
  116. Husband 30 min. long profusely heavy nosebleed, darker red blood color, w/ huge clots along with rapid heavily bleeding.: sinuses, allergy - Health and Wellness
  117. What's wrong with my daughter?: sternum, x-ray, pain, pregnant - Health and Wellness
  118. with child diagnosed with ADHD: doctor, symptoms, treated - Health and Wellness
  119. Poor blood circulation: kidneys, blood tests, yoga, cramps - Health and Wellness
  120. Elevated lipase for the past 11 years: MRI, gallbladder, kidneys, pregnancy - Health and Wellness
  121. for people with hemorrhoids: pain, kidney stones, blood pressure, surgery - Health and Wellness
  122. Painkillers & Knee Replacements: pain, infection, surgery, heart - Health and Wellness
  123. Buying Canadian Medications ?: doctor, prescriptions, insurance, scan - Health and Wellness
  124. Haven't been bed ridden sick in 7 years.: cold, sore, nose - Health and Wellness
  125. News, Panic over dangerous new 'grey death' drug that can kill in one hit: dangers, effects - Health and Wellness
  126. Gout in hand/thumb/wrist: x-ray, pain, kidney stone, blood - Health and Wellness
  127. can the use of statins be linked to fibromyalgia?: allergy, pain, thyroid - Health and Wellness
  128. Ladies - Longer Menstrual Periods as You Age? (little TMI): hysterectomy, pain - Health and Wellness
  129. SO Been Coughing for No Apparent Reason Daily for 2 Yrs?: allergy, thyroid meds - Health and Wellness
  130. swollen puffy fingers: allergies, blood tests, swelling, doctor - Health and Wellness
  131. Busting Myths in Cholesterol Size: blood tests, surgery, doctor, heart - Health and Wellness
  132. What is the most freakish accident you have ever had?: fractured, pain - Health and Wellness
  133. News, Drinking coffee basically keeps you alive: blood pressure, diet, cancer - Health and Wellness
  134. Nearly fainted at restaurant last night...: blood pressure, doctor, symptoms, legs - Health and Wellness
  135. Found a doctor for my sexual problems: pain, insurance, exercise - Health and Wellness
  136. Limitations on pain killers hurts people: MRI, infection, blood pressure - Health and Wellness
  137. Bleeding after sex: infections, hormone, polyps, doctor - Health and Wellness
  138. Husband has insomnia. tips for him?: doctor, exercises, stomach - Health and Wellness
  139. Weird things bodies do.: painful, infection, skin, hair - Health and Wellness
  140. Glasses at Costco: surgery, doctor, prescription, insurance - Health and Wellness
  141. Took four excedrin extra strength in 3 in a half hours. am i going to overdose? i feel funny?: pain, bleeding - Health and Wellness
  142. If you eat corn or soy you may want to read this: cancer, more expensive - Health and Wellness
  143. Is Dr. Sebi diet legit ?: lose weight, doctor, healing, natural - Health and Wellness
  144. Osteoporosis?: fractures, kidney stones, arm, doctor - Health and Wellness
  145. Chiripractic care not helping!: x-ray, back pain, doctor, exercising - Health and Wellness
  146. When will I get better after lasik: implant, surgery, lenses - Health and Wellness
  147. Pill to lower my blood pressure does it's job BUT;: bladder, kidney - Health and Wellness
  148. Air Purifier to remove odors and clean, but ionizer?: allergy, health issues, reviews - Health and Wellness
  149. Help i'm going bald: hair, nose, ears, problem - Health and Wellness
  150. Do you shower as soon as you wake up?: teeth, legs, break - Health and Wellness
  151. Washing new underwear: skin, treated, feet, reaction - Health and Wellness
  152. How to best approach my ailments?: x-rays, back pain, constant, surgery - Health and Wellness
  153. Struggling with a different kind of insomnia.: thyroid, exercise, specialist - Health and Wellness
  154. drinking water from copper vessel...: vs, boil, better, using - Health and Wellness
  155. Is there anything I can do about erectile dysfunction in this case?: painful, doctor - Health and Wellness
  156. 2nd hand cigerette smoke - do you have to inhale?: smoking, cancer - Health and Wellness
  157. have a toenail removed?: pain, dentist, doctor, heart - Health and Wellness
  158. How is Tramaol allowed?!?: allergy, x-rays, pain, sore - Health and Wellness
  159. Feeling sleepy most of the time.: thyroid, blood, diet, overweight - Health and Wellness
  160. Is Exercise Really Necessary?: pain, blood pressure, couch potato, surgery - Health and Wellness
  161. Heart pounding: gallbladder, pain, thyroid, infect - Health and Wellness
  162. Right to die laws: pain, surgery, arms, doctor - Health and Wellness
  163. Tick bite when should I be worried...: pain, infection, blood - Health and Wellness
  164. Can anxiety be connected to my stomach?: doctor, symptoms, reaction - Health and Wellness
  165. Cardiac Calcium Scan (Score) ordered by physician, have it done?: blood, aches - Health and Wellness
  166. have a doctor's office not bill you?: fracture, colonoscopy, surgery - Health and Wellness
  167. Help! What is wrong with my foot??: ankle, blood pressure, soreness - Health and Wellness
  168. does smoking marijuana re-wire a persons brain?: pain, depression, doctor - Health and Wellness
  169. What is the name of this surgery?: pain, ankle, implant - Health and Wellness
  170. Lasik?: surgery, lenses, glasses, eyes - Health and Wellness
  171. News, Study suggests an increased risk of stroke and dementia: smoking, heart - Health and Wellness
  172. What was the first big injury/illness you had?: ankle, infection, blood - Health and Wellness
  173. Septic Arthritis: MRI, bladder, xray, pain - Health and Wellness
  174. Lyme disease is it cured: allergy, pain, infection, blood tests - Health and Wellness
  175. Flu or Plague: infect, doctor, heart, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  176. Blood pressure still high despite medication: doctor, heart rate, overweight, exercise - Health and Wellness
  177. Baby is having fevers. advice?: advantage, doctor, heart, treated - Health and Wellness
  178. Physical Therapy for Rotator Cuff Pain: MRI, x-ray, cold, surgery - Health and Wellness
  179. Lead Levels: MRI, allergies, xray, blood - Health and Wellness
  180. Foreign Pharmacy: thyroid meds, prescription, insurance, cheap - Health and Wellness
  181. post tympanoplasty ear canal narrowing: surgery, recover, numb, repair - Health and Wellness
  182. Upper Airway Stimulation (UAS) for Sleep Apnea instead of CPAP: medical, Washington - Health and Wellness
  183. News, Toyota introduces robotic leg brace to help paralyzed people walk: weight - Health and Wellness
  184. Implantable microwave antennas?: doctor, heart, danger, medical - Health and Wellness
  185. Is there a relation between hormone imbalance and a sebaceous cyst...: infected, hormones - Health and Wellness
  186. New antibiotic: ears, time - Health and Wellness
  187. Androgel vs shots: insurance, problems - Health and Wellness
  188. Recovering from Heart Bypass Surgery: recovery - Health and Wellness
  189. News, Unrefrigerated caramel apples may pose deadly listeria risk, study suggests: 2015, Washington - Health and Wellness
  190. What nerve triggers heart reactions after swallowing: pain, water - Health and Wellness
  191. Bump on vein for 3 months now: pain, ankle, skin, swelling - Health and Wellness
  192. Light Therapy For Alzheimer's? - Health and Wellness
  193. The Big 8 Constipation Causing Drugs: medication, medications - Health and Wellness
  194. Sister had a stroke so my report on DHA-EPA: supplements, buy, cause - Health and Wellness
  195. Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy: painful, forehead, headache, medication - Health and Wellness
  196. Nerve damage as the result of a hospital stay?: arm, rehab, foot - Health and Wellness
  197. on cyst....: infected, stomach, ears, fever - Health and Wellness
  198. 8 months of misery with no answers: MRI, sinus, kidneys, thyroid - Health and Wellness
  199. undergone liposuction surgery?: surgeon, clinic, ears, best - Health and Wellness
  200. How to properly put a bandaid on your finger: common - Health and Wellness