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  1. Spinal Fusion as a Child, now Adult and Spine moving: spinal surgery, scoliosis - Health and Wellness
  2. Beaches that are close to nuclear power plants, will you go there often?: ears, buy - Health and Wellness
  3. Lyrica: pain, specialist, nerve, muscle - Health and Wellness
  4. How to require less sleep?: sleeping, healthy, best, humans - Health and Wellness
  5. Allergies or posioned.: allergy, dental, doctor, heart rate - Health and Wellness
  6. Would you prefer to transport & use a wheelchair or a scooter (4 wheel): pain, doctor - Health and Wellness
  7. a good rub on cream for sore muscles?: pain, vitamins, muscle - Health and Wellness
  8. Happy to be healthy and strong: ears, alcohol, addiction, cause - Health and Wellness
  9. normal pressure hydrocephalus: MRI, doctor, symptoms, treatment - Health and Wellness
  10. Major heel deglovement: ankle, doctor, leg, rehab - Health and Wellness
  11. Where did you get your medical alert bracelet?: expensive, ears, time - Health and Wellness
  12. News, Docs Stumped by Boy Who's Never Hungry, Thirsty: infection, doctor, clinic - Health and Wellness
  13. tomorrow is knee replacement day: infection, surgery, heart, recovery - Health and Wellness
  14. Are Brita water filters safe and effective?: itch, better, chemical - Health and Wellness
  15. Medication for Hand Eczema: allergies, skin, dermatologist, doctor - Health and Wellness
  16. Surgury for torn rotator cuff: pain, hair, surgery, tooth - Health and Wellness
  17. Ribbon-shaped stools ???: colonoscopy, swelling, diet, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  18. Light weight drinker: pain, thyroid, smoking, advantage - Health and Wellness
  19. Has ever heard of Felty's Syndrome?: blood, swollen, cancer - Health and Wellness
  20. Broken Shoulder: pain, surgery, doctor, nurse - Health and Wellness
  21. Who's the healthiest person you know personally?: immune system, break, healthy - Health and Wellness
  22. Menstruation & Sleeping Longer: bleeding, hormones, arms, cramps - Health and Wellness
  23. Geritol - does it help?: blood tests, depression, doctor, insurance - Health and Wellness
  24. Traveling post surgery: pain, swelling, doctor, leg - Health and Wellness
  25. Got CT scan results...pancreas: MRI, pain, infection, doctor - Health and Wellness
  26. Fitness trackers, smart scales , and apps: sleep, best - Health and Wellness
  27. Are you taking methotrexate or biologics & experiencing memory problems or depression?: cancer, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  28. Chronic Bronchitis treatment - fungal?: sinus, infection, clinic, ears - Health and Wellness
  29. Mummies died of heart issues and hardening of the arteries: skin, dental - Health and Wellness
  30. First time doctor's visit: pain, nurses, treat, scan - Health and Wellness
  31. 18000wbc: back pain, blurred vision, infection, blood - Health and Wellness
  32. Colonoscopy AND Air Barium Enema????: polyps, doctor, clinic, ears - Health and Wellness
  33. I've been coughing for a week: sinus, allergy, cold, quit smoking - Health and Wellness
  34. Trazodone And Booze On The Samd Nite?: doctor, prescription, exercises - Health and Wellness
  35. I have a cold and can't taste anything: nose, break, nasal - Health and Wellness
  36. Toxins in 1-gallon plastic water jugs: buy, chemical, food, using - Health and Wellness
  37. Steroid Shot/Pill for Cough?: allergies, pain, flu shot, infect - Health and Wellness
  38. Cardiovascular health & chewing gum?: cold, blood pressure, dental, tooth - Health and Wellness
  39. to have mono at 31? I had it when I was 26...: blood tests, sore - Health and Wellness
  40. Wrist fracture: pain, infect, surgery, swelling - Health and Wellness
  41. daughter has double vision in one eye: pain, doctor, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  42. Ambien- Can't sleep with it, can't sleep without it!: sleeping, cause, morning - Health and Wellness
  43. Bad pain swallowing: my throat, cold, sore, doctor - Health and Wellness
  44. Cheap Eye Exam + Glasses combo: prescription, insurance, eyes, cheapest - Health and Wellness
  45. Spitting out mucus: recovery, water, time - Health and Wellness
  46. Urgent recall of Ortega products for a/nut allergies: allergy, purchase - Health and Wellness
  47. My heart skips beats, slows down or feels like it stops why?: pain, cold - Health and Wellness
  48. News, Woman dies after metal detector causes pacemaker to malfunction: arms, medical - Health and Wellness
  49. are energy shots really THAT unhealthy?: cheapest, ingredients, buying - Health and Wellness
  50. useful: glasses, nerve, sleeping, effects - Health and Wellness
  51. News, What It's Like to Have the 'Golden' Blood Type: doctor, donate - Health and Wellness
  52. Fluid in my ear: sinuses, pain, infection, doctor - Health and Wellness
  53. Where is the best place for someone to live with POTS/Dysautonomia?: cold, blood pressure - Health and Wellness
  54. For of you who lost weight due to illness-- uestions: health issues, lose weight - Health and Wellness
  55. time to change knees: pain, surgery, doctor, exercises - Health and Wellness
  56. News, A Warning on Nutmeg: daily basis, sensation, 2014, sugar - Health and Wellness
  57. Adenovirus: sinuses, pain, infect, sore - Health and Wellness
  58. determine to get a Hearing Aid - Find out I need glasses too: cysts, skin - Health and Wellness
  59. DONEPEZIL (Namenda) for cognitive decline/memory loss/mild dementia: bleeding, heart rate, prescription - Health and Wellness
  60. Seeing an ENT on Wednesday, but, looking for ideas on why I have sore throat: my throat, infection - Health and Wellness
  61. Stomach Bug VS Gallbladder: syrup, recover, virus, feeling - Health and Wellness
  62. PCOS and sweating?: hot flashes, cyst, cold, hormones - Health and Wellness
  63. prk surgery: infect, advantage, swelling, doctor - Health and Wellness
  64. How Drinking Soda Affects Your Health: blood, diabetic, diet, negative - Health and Wellness
  65. signs of being anemic: thyroid, cold, bleeding, surgery - Health and Wellness
  66. Can I split encapulated powder pills?: prescription, danger, medication, dangerous - Health and Wellness
  67. Obesity and smell: infections, skin, overweight, cancer - Health and Wellness
  68. Request from a health care worker: pain, blood pressure, doctor, heart - Health and Wellness
  69. Can I take a Percoset in Isolation for Severe Pain Relief?: infection, surgery - Health and Wellness
  70. I have been vaping for over six months with great results, off analogs within a few days: infection, blood - Health and Wellness
  71. Wow, what is this?: MRI, pregnant, swelling, cramps - Health and Wellness
  72. Coffee Cravings grrrrrrr: gallbladder, thyroid, exercise, stomach - Health and Wellness
  73. Adverse Reaction to Coffee: allergy, blood pressure, hormones, heart - Health and Wellness
  74. Dealing with an abscess: painful, infection, skin, hair - Health and Wellness
  75. Can Athletes foot or other fungus be transfered through the wash?: cold, infected - Health and Wellness
  76. News, Doctors Remove 9-Pound Hairball From Teen's Stomach: pains, hair, surgery - Health and Wellness
  77. carotid endorectomy ): pain, surgery, recover, surgeon - Health and Wellness
  78. how much time in a sauna would be too much?: break, best - Health and Wellness
  79. Telogen effluvium hair regrowth: physician, symptoms, treatment, healthy - Health and Wellness
  80. Red wine to suppress appetite & fasting?: blood, diabetics, diet - Health and Wellness
  81. Suddenly snoring?: allergies, swollen, doctor, tonsils - Health and Wellness
  82. Autoimmune inner ear disease: sinus, implants, infect, treat - Health and Wellness
  83. Are there more men and women going bald at a younger age?: hairline, common - Health and Wellness
  84. Questions about Cerebral Atrophy: MRI, doctor, diet, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  85. Pins and needles in foot after rear end collision: MRI, hernia, sore - Health and Wellness
  86. What do you think about this diagnosis?: allergies, pain, hernia - Health and Wellness
  87. Femur Fracture or Internal Bruise?: spinal surgery, x-ray, pain, forehead - Health and Wellness
  88. News, Swearing granny says stroke fouled her vocabulary: ears, 2014, woman - Health and Wellness
  89. Can your head be re-shaped due to a collision?: bleeding, soreness, depression - Health and Wellness
  90. Acid Reflux: pain, my throat, hernia, surgery - Health and Wellness
  91. Nausea when you dont sleep?: bloody, eyes, headaches, cause - Health and Wellness
  92. Ran out of High BP meds, on two, now 1 but still ok: doctor, prescription - Health and Wellness
  93. help. Alopecia problems: thyroid, blood, hormone, hair - Health and Wellness
  94. Heavy lifting with a torn ACL, what could be the consequences?: MRI, cold - Health and Wellness
  95. Is it ok to use an asthma inhaler after the counter reaches 0?: doctor, exercising - Health and Wellness
  96. Does wearing a mask help prevent spreading flu, colds?: allergies, cold, infected - Health and Wellness
  97. Is this what it feels like to be a sedentary individual?: exercise, muscle - Health and Wellness
  98. Stomach size: women vs. men: colonoscopy, men, feeling, woman - Health and Wellness
  99. Would a drug test shoe sugar or protein in urine?: blood, doctor - Health and Wellness
  100. Leg Pains: back pain, legs, muscles, therapy - Health and Wellness
  101. Hypnagogic hallucinations: doctor, heart, sleep, aching - Health and Wellness
  102. My Little Boy and His Thyroid?: blood tests, doctor, heart, diet - Health and Wellness
  103. Pain comes and goes...: sinus, teeth, doctor, prescription - Health and Wellness
  104. Losartan and muscle aches: pain, blood, doctor, heart rate - Health and Wellness
  105. I Had young selfish cell phone types taking care of me...: nurse, treatment - Health and Wellness
  106. Would sleeping permanently on a rollaway cot be detrimental?: back pain, feet, ears - Health and Wellness
  107. Help a mosquito victim: condition, water - Health and Wellness
  108. 15 charts show our health care prices are totally insane: MRI, surgery - Health and Wellness
  109. High WBC low NEUT high LYMPH: infect, blood, doctor, cancer - Health and Wellness
  110. Healthy heart risk from anxiety?: depression, insurance, diet, exercise - Health and Wellness
  111. constant stomach issues after being on narcotics: pain, cold, broke - Health and Wellness
  112. Quiet standing exercises?: chest, sleeping, best, noise - Health and Wellness
  113. taking Tamoxifen: hot flashes, blood, surgery, biopsy - Health and Wellness
  114. Face hot on one side only: allergy, skin, blood pressure, congestion - Health and Wellness
  115. What is a normal heart rate?: blood pressure, doctor, muscle, clinic - Health and Wellness
  116. Colonoscopy: virtual colonoscopy, pain, ache, polyps - Health and Wellness
  117. Food Poisoning from Micky D's burger, fries ?: pain, handicapped, cramps - Health and Wellness
  118. Haven't been sleeping properly since getting sick?: cold, sore, dental - Health and Wellness
  119. Chiropractor vs Spine Specialist: x-rays, back pain, cold, doctor - Health and Wellness
  120. New guidelines for treating tinnitis: sinus, infection, pulsating, hair - Health and Wellness
  121. I'm Freezing. It's Painful. Does This Have To Be?: thyroid, cold, blood - Health and Wellness
  122. in their 30's and 40's how well have you aged?: pain, exercise regularly - Health and Wellness
  123. Doctor or chiropractor?: MRI, x-rays, pain, hernia - Health and Wellness
  124. The Exercise That Predicts Your Death?: arms, ears, running, weight - Health and Wellness
  125. Swallowed a pill wrong, went to the ER: flashes, sternum, pain - Health and Wellness
  126. Scared to Death, Need asap: xray, cold, infection - Health and Wellness
  127. Vaginal Hair Removal: bladder, painful, infection, skin - Health and Wellness
  128. Bone broth! New health craze...: skin, disease, organic, cause - Health and Wellness
  129. Opinion on a Good CBD - Cannabidiol Oil Producer: sinus, doctor, cancer - Health and Wellness
  130. Kidneys vs Heart: surgery, doctor, prescription, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  131. Quitting Alcohol: pregnant, diet, cheap, how to - Health and Wellness
  132. Does stress is a reason of Hair Fall ?: hairline, physician, prescription - Health and Wellness
  133. 43 yr old lower back pain and plan from chiro: MRI, x-rays, cold - Health and Wellness
  134. Do you wash your hands after visiting the restroom?: infection, doctor, men - Health and Wellness
  135. elevated liver enzymes: recalled, thyroid meds, blood, hormones - Health and Wellness
  136. How to Opt Out of electronic medical records: doctor, insurance, vitamins - Health and Wellness
  137. Study says men can really be idiots: treat, cure, medical - Health and Wellness
  138. Being an avid runner while being a user of marijuana...: sinus, blood pressure - Health and Wellness
  139. Quit smoking again and feel really out of wack: pain, cold, blood - Health and Wellness
  140. How many hours of sleep do you need?: hormones, overweight, exercising - Health and Wellness
  141. Has had their tonsils removed?: pain, my throat, infect, sore - Health and Wellness
  142. Influenza epidemic: pains, flu shots, cold, infect - Health and Wellness
  143. The anxiety of eyeglasses: doctor, prescription, lenses, eyes - Health and Wellness
  144. Pain ..are the new Hydrocodone regs affecting you?: doctor, prescriptions, insurance - Health and Wellness
  145. Skillets and frying pans: doctor, diet, vs, cheap - Health and Wellness
  146. Copperhead Snakebite-+Still Hurts Next Day: pain, infection, skin, blood - Health and Wellness
  147. How long for Dr. to to email message?: blood pressure, doctor, medical - Health and Wellness
  148. i think fish oil has cured my arthritis: pain, swelling, doctor - Health and Wellness
  149. Pink eye! :(: sore, doctor, symptoms, glasses - Health and Wellness
  150. Hip Replacement: x-rays, pain, ankle, implant - Health and Wellness
  151. Did you get your Flu shot: pain, cold, advantage - Health and Wellness
  152. with Ocular Migraines?: pain, 3x a week, doctor, prescription - Health and Wellness
  153. Restless Leg Syndrome-getting worse: hot flashes, legs, treat, sleep - Health and Wellness
  154. Elavil: phobia, depression, underarm, heart - Health and Wellness
  155. kidney Stones: x-rays, back pain, surgery, teeth - Health and Wellness
  156. Upcoming cataract surgery: pain, implants, physician, glasses - Health and Wellness
  157. Elderly people you know who have good vision/hearing/teeth?: dentist, dentures - Health and Wellness
  158. Ebola Has Arrived to the USA: cold, infection, symptoms, treatment - Health and Wellness
  159. Air purifiers for people without allergies.: viruses, expensive, feet, costs - Health and Wellness
  160. In recovery for alcohol addiction and ..: shoulder, foot, ears - Health and Wellness
  161. Nail fungus: sinus, cyst, infection, skin - Health and Wellness
  162. What infectious diseases are you afraid of catching?: infections, viruses, clinic - Health and Wellness
  163. Allergy testing accuracy: skin, blood, doctor, diet - Health and Wellness
  164. When did you think you were old ?: painful, hair, doctor - Health and Wellness
  165. Soda May Cause Premature Aging and Death!: tooth, toddler, diet - Health and Wellness
  166. Red wine & heart health longterm?: depressed, yoga, doctor, diet - Health and Wellness
  167. Can't drink reverse osmosis water: cyst, infect, teeth, doctor - Health and Wellness
  168. Scream LOUD the next time a doctor/dentist hurts you!: pain, biopsy - Health and Wellness
  169. Thyroid: thyroid meds, blood tests, doctor, prescription - Health and Wellness
  170. need help for my wife to stop smoking: pain, pregnant, cold - Health and Wellness
  171. had right knee problem?: x-rays, pain, doctor, exercises - Health and Wellness
  172. How much caffeine do you drink?: kidney, smoking, doctor, diet - Health and Wellness
  173. Should drug stores make you touch community pen?: cold, infected, physician - Health and Wellness
  174. Pupil Dilation at Eye Exam - How long Does it Last?: doctor, lens - Health and Wellness
  175. Sex hurts: pain, hormones, doctor, prescription - Health and Wellness
  176. Found a solid kidney mass during ultrasound: cyst, surgery, biopsy - Health and Wellness
  177. You don't catch a cold just from cold air?: pregnancy, ache, congestion - Health and Wellness
  178. Horrible periods!: hysterectomy, thyroid, bleeding, cramps - Health and Wellness
  179. Liver enzymes out (5 times) in bloodwork: hot flashes, blood, doctor, diet - Health and Wellness
  180. Orthopaedic or rheumatologist?: fractures, pain, pregnant, sore - Health and Wellness
  181. Breast reduction Advice: cyst, pain, sore, surgery - Health and Wellness
  182. How does everyone feel about the flu shot and Gardisil?: flu shots, soreness - Health and Wellness
  183. Transverse fracture of the distal fibula: fibular, pain, ankle, doctor - Health and Wellness
  184. done Lasik?: lenses, glasses, effects, contacts - Health and Wellness
  185. News, Scientists worry bed bugs could spread Chagas disease: fever, cause, 2014 - Health and Wellness
  186. Lift Weights For 8 Weeks Before Getting Flu Shot --: blood, arm - Health and Wellness
  187. News, How could this happen? Dead woman is alive.: cold, physician, 2014 - Health and Wellness
  188. CDC Report - Estimating the Future Number of Cases in the Ebola Epidemic: 2015 - Health and Wellness
  189. Pain around right shoulder blade: sore, arm, running, area - Health and Wellness
  190. Flushed face: pain, forehead, heart, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  191. Panacea heat: back pain, cold, health issues, cramps - Health and Wellness
  192. Poor sleep may raise risk of dementia: women, diabetes - Health and Wellness
  193. Doctors Remove Football-Sized Tumor From 17-Year-Old's Face: swelling, ears, hospital - Health and Wellness
  194. Narcolepsy vs. depression?: doctor, symptoms, treat, sleep - Health and Wellness
  195. Preventing kidney stones-drink more water: diet, 2014, Washington - Health and Wellness
  196. Novel antioxidant makes old arteries seem young again. study shows.: 2014 - Health and Wellness
  197. Prism eyeglass lenses: phobia, prescription, glasses, eyes - Health and Wellness
  198. nerve ends after cabg: pain, soreness, leg, hospital - Health and Wellness
  199. ‘Kissing bug’ disease creeps into US, but symptoms often missed: sinus, infected - Health and Wellness
  200. U.S. Army warns of 'airborne' Ebola: virus, coughing, disease - Health and Wellness