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  1. Epsom Salts for Ear Irritation and Infection: salt, remedy, itchy - Health and Wellness
  2. Hepatic Hemangiomas: pain, rib cage, hormone, surgeon - Health and Wellness
  3. Employer must pay for weight-loss surgery: painful, blood pressure, hernia, lose weight - Health and Wellness
  4. Tennis Elbow & Trigger Finger, Cold Laser, Acupuncture?: painful, dental, arm - Health and Wellness
  5. News, More chemicals found in smokeless tobacco.: cancer, danger, healthy - Health and Wellness
  6. I just got this rash....we were by the fire outside....spider was on my leg.... help?: allergy, ankle - Health and Wellness
  7. Injury and Logic: x-ray, pain, health alert, healing - Health and Wellness
  8. H1N1? Lyme? Tularemia? Regular Flu? Do you or your Doc know the difference?: infection, plague - Health and Wellness
  9. parvo virus infection: gall bladder, pain, sore, hair - Health and Wellness
  10. FAST-do you know the signs of a stroke?: surgery, heart, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  11. Blood work: doctor, vitamin, medical, clinic - Health and Wellness
  12. Close the lid BEFORE you flush!: tooth, ears, covered - Health and Wellness
  13. Have You Ever Hurt Your Sciatic Nerve??: exercises, lower back, legs - Health and Wellness
  14. Fibrocystic Breast Disorder: cysts, x-ray, pain, thyroid - Health and Wellness
  15. Where can I buy Potassium salt, the kind used to lower Blood Pressure?: allergy, kidney - Health and Wellness
  16. Uterus Biopsy - help!!: pain, pregnant, blood, doctor - Health and Wellness
  17. Chest burning on exercise?: pain, hernia, doctor, symptom - Health and Wellness
  18. Support for Mid-Life Crises?: exercising, eye, most expensive, ears - Health and Wellness
  19. ever heard of Hallelujah Acres?: diet, treat, expensive - Health and Wellness
  20. Mold in the work place, asthmatic & a pregnant woman HELP: sinuses, allergies - Health and Wellness
  21. sigg bottles: best, using, time - Health and Wellness
  22. News, Teen who cries blood gets help from experts.: eyes, ears, cause - Health and Wellness
  23. Flu: sinus, flu shots, cold, infection - Health and Wellness
  24. Is there a way to get an anonymous Rectal Exam in South Florida?: doctor, insurance - Health and Wellness
  25. Strepsils (or other antiseptic lozenges?): using - Health and Wellness
  26. Chucky Cheese and germs: cold, infect, ears, disease - Health and Wellness
  27. Black mold exposure: allergy, pain, kidney, thyroid - Health and Wellness
  28. Feeling a little off today: allergies, my throat, pregnancy, cold - Health and Wellness
  29. News, Man's next blood donation will be gallon No. 40.: ears, donate, New York - Health and Wellness
  30. taken your parents to a geriatric physician or seen one yourself?: thyroid, reviews - Health and Wellness
  31. Fragile Skin: doctor, legs, treat, removed - Health and Wellness
  32. Shots versus pills, mist,: pain, sore, arm, injections - Health and Wellness
  33. 19-pound baby born: painful, woman, liver - Health and Wellness
  34. Interval between flu shots: pregnant, doctor, toddler, kids - Health and Wellness
  35. News, FDA Warns Emergency Help Button Necklace May Pose Choking Hazard.: bump, sleeping - Health and Wellness
  36. My Experience with Thyroid Ablation: food allergy, blood, lose weight, depression - Health and Wellness
  37. way to test your own drinking water?: buy, bottle - Health and Wellness
  38. Swine flu master: cause, influenza - Health and Wellness
  39. Why so many colds?: allergies, flu shots, cold, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  40. Can you get sick from home remodeling?: bleeding, doctor, treated - Health and Wellness
  41. How much does immunotherapy cost without insurance?: doctor, prescription, nurse - Health and Wellness
  42. have advice on this? rash on stomach: doctor, ears, disease - Health and Wellness
  43. High Blood Calcium Level?: thyroid, blood tests, depressed, hair - Health and Wellness
  44. Liver problems or Not? - Health and Wellness
  45. Help, platonic friend has septicemia: overweight, sleep, ears, feeling - Health and Wellness
  46. U.S. Pharmacies vs. Canadian Pharmacies: prescription, buy, time - Health and Wellness
  47. Going off the pill- Acne?: painful, forehead, skin, blood - Health and Wellness
  48. News, Full Moon Does Not Affect Surgery Outcomes.: effects, hospital, cause - Health and Wellness
  49. Flu test?: sinus, sore, doctor, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  50. Easy way to fight against Flu, Swine or regular!: pregnant, hormone, diet - Health and Wellness
  51. have traveling gas pains in chest and back?: gallbladder, pain - Health and Wellness
  52. doctors out there?? Is A flu swine flu??: cyst, tooth - Health and Wellness
  53. Lymes disease-educate me: infect, skin, symptoms, treat - Health and Wellness
  54. Study: Tofu 'may raise risk of dementia' (moved from Vegetarian forum): diet, price - Health and Wellness
  55. Have CD members had a broken clavicle?: pain, arm, muscle - Health and Wellness
  56. mononucleosis: bursting, swelling, doctor, insurance - Health and Wellness
  57. What back muscle would this be?: back pain, shoulder, area, head - Health and Wellness
  58. News, Track H1N1 flu cases across the USA.: disease, break, control - Health and Wellness
  59. Flu Fighter?: sinus, my throat, cold, congestion - Health and Wellness
  60. Achilles tendon: painful, anti-inflammatories, surgeons, treated - Health and Wellness
  61. What's the deal with my knee?: x-ray, doctor, specialist, leg - Health and Wellness
  62. Ovarian Cyst: Mine burst and my cycle is off now: pain, ovary - Health and Wellness
  63. Discovery of immune system particles that attack the AIDS virus: infect, men - Health and Wellness
  64. A Small Stroke?: health issues, doctor, medication, best - Health and Wellness
  65. GallStones!! What can I EAT!!: pain, diabetic, doctor, insurance - Health and Wellness
  66. 5 myths about healthcare in other countries: MRI, doctor, cancer, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  67. ever had Trochanteric Bursitis-hip bursitis?: pain, swelling, doctor, overweight - Health and Wellness
  68. How long can semen survive outside?: pregnant, specialists, ears, buy - Health and Wellness
  69. Doctors need customers to keep coming back for more.: cyst, infections - Health and Wellness
  70. Can MS Be causing this?: pain, rib cage, blood tests, heart - Health and Wellness
  71. Spinal Tap: phobia, back pain, blood, doctor - Health and Wellness
  72. How long can effects of a car accident take to show up?: sinus, flashes - Health and Wellness
  73. Seasonale headaches?: effects, severe, effect - Health and Wellness
  74. News, Man receives first-ever tongue, jaw transplant.: doctor, recover, surgeon - Health and Wellness
  75. Cannabis may prevent osteoporosis in older people.: effects, disease, contact - Health and Wellness
  76. Tests Begin on Drugs That May Slow Aging: advantage, diet, how to - Health and Wellness
  77. Mini cigars are making me sick?: sinus, bladder, kidney, blood pressure - Health and Wellness
  78. Bacterial Meningitis: phobia, pain, cold, infections - Health and Wellness
  79. Stopped taking Ambien CR...feeling better: pain, cold, prescription, sleep - Health and Wellness
  80. Same sex doctor for pre/adolescent: pregnant, hernia, versus, ears - Health and Wellness
  81. Blood donations & mad cow disease: cause - Health and Wellness
  82. News, Daily aspirin may do more harm than good: study.: bleeding, doctor - Health and Wellness
  83. Ankle Pain and Swelling: sore, symptoms, leg, muscle - Health and Wellness
  84. Smokers Cost Swedish Councils Billions': report: smoking, cancer, medical, effects - Health and Wellness
  85. News, Cardiologist: Exercise, a pill taken daily.: blood pressure, heart, cholesterol - Health and Wellness
  86. Why Is Everything So Crooked In Our World: prescription, ears, medication - Health and Wellness
  87. Expanding Waistlines May Cause Brain Shinkage (Study): ears - Health and Wellness
  88. If my doctor ordered the wrong procedure...: insurance, eye, muscle - Health and Wellness
  89. News, For the body conscious, 'cankles' offer another focus for obsession.: legs, wrist - Health and Wellness
  90. Head/Brain CT Scan: MRI, pains, kidneys, doctor - Health and Wellness
  91. can shoulder injury reduce circulation to arm?: pain, doctor, heart - Health and Wellness
  92. Experiences with Viral, Spinal Meningitis and a Hypochondriac: recover, virus, reaction - Health and Wellness
  93. Questions about Visual Acuity: doctor, glasses, eyes, nurse - Health and Wellness
  94. Addictions: alcohol, crave, addicted, cause - Health and Wellness
  95. on armour thyroid: thyroid meds, blood tests, treatment, cures - Health and Wellness
  96. My employer is making flu shot mandatory--what to do?: flu shots, arm, sleep - Health and Wellness
  97. Flu And Grocery Carts: cold, infected, legs, viruses - Health and Wellness
  98. You and Your Doctor: infect, insurance, specialist, nurse - Health and Wellness
  99. Are you going to take the H1N1 vaccine if manditory?: flu shot, doctor - Health and Wellness
  100. Help for bug bite (?) reaction!!: forehead, infection, hair, swelling - Health and Wellness
  101. Sciatica - The meds I took for Shingles stops it!: pain, pilates - Health and Wellness
  102. ER Doctors: xray, pain, kidney stones, infect - Health and Wellness
  103. Dry spot probelms. Suggestions to shampoo?: skin, hair, tooth, doctor - Health and Wellness
  104. Are cholesterol meds really necessary?: doctor, heart, insurance, diet - Health and Wellness
  105. I've become desperate -and I'm QUICKLY losing hope.: cysts, pain, ovary - Health and Wellness
  106. HIPAA Violation?: surgery, removed, hospital, contact - Health and Wellness
  107. Hypothyroidism: pregnant, blood pressure, depression, hair - Health and Wellness
  108. What is an Alcoholic?: quit smoking, syrup, recovery, ears - Health and Wellness
  109. Cholesterol/exercise questions: advantage, physician, diet, vs - Health and Wellness
  110. Healthy soul? Tips for fully embracing life?: yoga, advantage, exercises - Health and Wellness
  111. Too tired to eat: kidney, health issues, lose weight, doctor - Health and Wellness
  112. Depressed: depression, spiral, heart, diet - Health and Wellness
  113. Has on Blood thinner coumadin been taking off of it?: kidney, blood tests - Health and Wellness
  114. squeamish?: phobia, skin, blood pressure, surgery - Health and Wellness
  115. Why is the gov't: pain, flu shot, pregnant, swelling - Health and Wellness
  116. Tips to prevent swine flu or complications: flu shots, advantage, doctor - Health and Wellness
  117. Have old needles? free Sharps container.: infect, blood, disease, medicine - Health and Wellness
  118. My adult daughter has a UTI.: pain, kidney, infection, blood - Health and Wellness
  119. Marijuana alters DNA: cancer, danger, medical, alcohol - Health and Wellness
  120. Dislocated my ring finger: fracture, x-ray, blood, sore - Health and Wellness
  121. Sick from Flu Shot?: flu shots, cold, blood, doctor - Health and Wellness
  122. Hypo Thyroid questions?: MRI, cold, skin, blood - Health and Wellness
  123. Is the USA the number one country anymore?: phobia, how to, natural - Health and Wellness
  124. I seem to be hot all the time days..: hot flashes, thyroid - Health and Wellness
  125. Lobster and Pregnancy: health alert, pregnant, treat, kids - Health and Wellness
  126. When is pushing your self physically more than is healthy, and when are you to old to keep pushing?: surgery, doctor - Health and Wellness
  127. Antibiotics What would you do?: kidney, pregnant, infected, doctor - Health and Wellness
  128. Contact Lens health issues: allergies, infection, doctor, lenses - Health and Wellness
  129. Can a kidney stone be ignored ?: bladder, cyst, x-ray - Health and Wellness
  130. Can you catch anything through one s sweat?: skin, doctor, hives - Health and Wellness
  131. Seeking on products that will increase a woman's sexual drive: blood, hair - Health and Wellness
  132. Blood in urine: pain, kidney stone, urination, infect - Health and Wellness
  133. Pinched nerve, had one?: MRI, cysts, x-rays, back pain - Health and Wellness
  134. Many diseases preventable from proper diet: health issue, diabetic, smoking, overweight - Health and Wellness
  135. Signs of Pregnancy: pregnant, urination, infection, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  136. Kegel exercise: doctor, muscles, free, time - Health and Wellness
  137. Anti-inflamatory drug what does it do?: pain, bleeding, soreness, surgery - Health and Wellness
  138. Cold Sores - How to Get rid of them: allergies, pain, infect - Health and Wellness
  139. Eye Care, Dry Eyes: kidney, surgery, doctor, prescription - Health and Wellness
  140. After 40 Yrs I Have A Diagnosis!: thyroid, infections, blood tests - Health and Wellness
  141. Sore throat/no fever: sinuses, pain, cold, infections - Health and Wellness
  142. Can Someone help or relate to me?: surgery, doctor, heart rate - Health and Wellness
  143. Does Drink Aloe Vera Juice or Gel?: skin care, symptoms, stomach - Health and Wellness
  144. Does having low blood pressure make me tired?: doctor, vitamins, nurse - Health and Wellness
  145. Dreams: heart, eye, sleeping, ears - Health and Wellness
  146. 6 month prengnant wife just cut herself with edge of opened can, does not remember last tetanus shot. Should she get it?: pregnant, infect - Health and Wellness
  147. Over 50, no medications?: blood, couch potato, doctor, heartbeat - Health and Wellness
  148. Hand Sanitzers, how effective????: flu shots, infection, skin, hernia - Health and Wellness
  149. adrenal fatigue syndrome: lose weight, hormone, depression, surgery - Health and Wellness
  150. Spousal Impoverishment: insurance, medical, how to, clinic - Health and Wellness
  151. Are you getting the swine flu vaccine along with the regular flu shot?: x-ray, pains - Health and Wellness
  152. Weird Leg Sensations: pain, ankle, restless leg syndrome, blood - Health and Wellness
  153. Drinking two beers a it bad?: fractured, reaction, boil - Health and Wellness
  154. Eye Socket Hurts after plane ride. ideas?: sinuses, pain, cold - Health and Wellness
  155. Left thigh keeps falling asleep.......: pain, blood, health issues, doctor - Health and Wellness
  156. Can't stop clearing my throat: sinus, food allergy, pain, infect - Health and Wellness
  157. News, Showerheads Harbor a Bounty of Germs.: infect, cancer, nurse - Health and Wellness
  158. Ear infection or water in the ear?: sinus, pain, cold - Health and Wellness
  159. Help! Constant Chest Pressure: gall bladder, allergy, x-ray, pain - Health and Wellness
  160. New Thinking About The Cause and Prevention Of Alzheimer's: daily basis, back pain, kidney - Health and Wellness
  161. Need medical translation: infection, doctor, treatment, virus - Health and Wellness
  162. actually had the H1N1 virus?: pregnant, infected, doctor - Health and Wellness
  163. have this virus/flu going around?: sore, swollen, teeth - Health and Wellness
  164. Are we all fat over or something?: diet, peanut butter, boil - Health and Wellness
  165. OK...Dont laugh!: pregnant, blood pressure, smoking, doctor - Health and Wellness
  166. Missed Period: implant, pregnant, bleeding, breasts - Health and Wellness
  167. So apparently I have been having seizures the last few years and didn't know it MRI: sinus, allergies - Health and Wellness
  168. Are you more worried about Swine Flu than the regular Flu?: x-ray, back pain - Health and Wellness
  169. Blood in urine: back pain, kidney stones, infection, diabetic - Health and Wellness
  170. Natural childbirth! what would you prefer?: pain, pregnant, blood pressure, doctor - Health and Wellness
  171. Fractured Tibia and Fibula (Broken Lower Leg Bones) with Fixation Surgery (Part 2): fracture, xray - Health and Wellness
  172. Getting a blood test without a doctor's orders - can it be done?: blood tests, diabetics - Health and Wellness
  173. THC and cannabidiol aka POT are neuroprotective antioxidants!: pain, smoking, cancer - Health and Wellness
  174. Eyeglasses: doctor, prescription, lenses, eyes - Health and Wellness
  175. Practical Tips & Details for Kidney Stones/Lithotripsy: allergies, back pain, pregnancy - Health and Wellness
  176. Lycopene Linked To Healthier Blood Vessels: diet, clinic, disease, ingredients - Health and Wellness
  177. Top 20 Most Popular Health Websites - Health and Wellness
  178. Interesting interview: doctor, virus, ears, normal - Health and Wellness
  179. How can I get information about medical supply? - Health and Wellness
  180. News, Is There Such a Thing as a Healthy Cigarette? We investigate...: smoking - Health and Wellness
  181. The swine flu is in Cookeville Tennessee.: medical, buy, condition - Health and Wellness
  182. News, Swine flu spreads week or more after symptoms.: doctor, coughing, fever - Health and Wellness
  183. News, Dog hair sheds light on human conditions: Washington - Health and Wellness
  184. Lyme ticks not in your area? but Blood banks are...: disease, broken - Health and Wellness
  185. Compiled Information for Pharmacies offering Flu/Pnemonia Shots: healthy, best, money - Health and Wellness
  186. Reiki - Health and Wellness
  187. News, Warranty on surgery? hospitals try it.: infection, doctor, break - Health and Wellness
  188. News, Drive-Thru Medical: Retail Health Clinics Get Good Marks.: doctor, insurance, broken - Health and Wellness
  189. Mild Aortic Elongation: x-ray, chest, danger, natural - Health and Wellness
  190. A tooth for an eye: implant, surgery, woman, Miami - Health and Wellness
  191. Being Cut = In, Being Muscular = Out?: arms, muscle, shoulders, chest - Health and Wellness
  192. Isn't it amazing: cold, infection, virus, clinic - Health and Wellness
  193. on adrenal glandulars?: weight - Health and Wellness
  194. Report - School drinking water contains toxins: broken - Health and Wellness
  195. News, Cancer survivor provides free health care for uninsured.: insurance, Florida, illness - Health and Wellness
  196. News, Not Exercising Could Mean Big Babies.: pregnancy, overweight, exercise - Health and Wellness
  197. News, CDC: 3.4 million inhalable H1N1 vaccine doses available soon.: Georgia, Atlanta - Health and Wellness
  198. News, Study: types of candles may pollute indoor air.: burning - Health and Wellness
  199. News, Mo. woman donates kidney to her neighbor.: ears, women, Kansas - Health and Wellness
  200. News, A spinal-cord-injury activist puts a new priority on living with—not fighting—paralysis.: wheelchairs, cure - Health and Wellness