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  1. Bait Car TV show on TruTv, ever seen anything as hilarious as this?: crime - Politics and Other Controversies
  2. Predictions of Widespread Riots are wrong: crimes, terror, party, examples - Politics and Other Controversies
  3. Speaking of focus, the Detroit City Counsel passes resolution calling for federal investigation of Zimmerman....: Obama, leader - Politics and Other Controversies
  4. Partial Collapse of Rig in the Gulf: Obama, government, support - Politics and Other Controversies
  5. When you blur the line between police, and the military: illegal, drugs - Politics and Other Controversies
  6. The Birthers Turn On Jerome Corsi: enemy, illegal, attorney, racist - Politics and Other Controversies
  7. Make Government Work...: Congress, controversial, money, constitutional - Politics and Other Controversies
  8. Government insanity: Millionaires can be disadvantaged: Obama, Hispanic, companies, financial - Politics and Other Controversies
  9. Al Qaeda militants flee Iraq jail in violent mass break-out: interview, generation - Politics and Other Controversies
  10. False accussation, Mob Frenzy, The Media & the Baiters in this case: how much, crimes - Politics and Other Controversies
  11. How Come Guys Aren't On The Tee Shirts of Hollywood Elites?: border, Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  12. Harvey Firestein calls Putin out on Russia’s Anti-Gay Crackdown: politicians, support - Politics and Other Controversies
  13. You have to love Blankfein: Goldman CEO on risk: The worst 'absolutely will happen': politicians - Politics and Other Controversies
  14. IRS union employees don't want to be forced into Obamacare: Congressmen - Politics and Other Controversies
  15. The irony of government ineptitude: healthcare, Obama, politicians, county - Politics and Other Controversies
  16. How the Conservatives/Libertarians will win, be Coke not pepsi watch: cocaine, elect - Politics and Other Controversies
  17. Spy Agencies Under Heaviest Scrutiny Since Abuse Scandal of the ’70s: Obama, parties - Politics and Other Controversies
  18. Is the pro-life movement dominated by men or women?: Congress, activist, abortions - Politics and Other Controversies
  19. Game on for surveillance?: companies, elect, government, program - Politics and Other Controversies
  20. Prime example of fiscal insanity.: employment, Barack Obama, cost, dollars - Politics and Other Controversies
  21. AFTERBURNER w/ BILL WHITTLE: The Lynching: racist, insurance, school, million - Politics and Other Controversies
  22. Obama Supporters Petition to Grant Him Immunity for All Crimes He Commits While in Office: working - Politics and Other Controversies
  23. When Has Rape Been Defined as not Rape Because the Rapist Didn't Have an Orgasm?: legal, CNN - Politics and Other Controversies
  24. City Data House GOP approval rating: Pelosi, poll, Obama, party - Politics and Other Controversies
  25. Obama co-sponsored legislation strengthening Illinois' stand your ground law: Durbin, Barack Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  26. Empathy Trumps Obama's Record: Congress, Kennedy, Whitehouse, ideology - Politics and Other Controversies
  27. cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent: Obama, elect - Politics and Other Controversies
  28. How Do You Feel About Purity Balls?: school, gay people, government - Politics and Other Controversies
  29. In US, Blacks consistently more supportive of interracial marriage than whites (gallup): generation, legal - Politics and Other Controversies
  30. Conference aims to normalize pedophilia: Psychologist claims 'minor-attracted persons' normal as heterosexuals: Iraq, lawyers - Politics and Other Controversies
  31. The government wastes billions and then says they have to cut social security benefits: unemployment, Congress - Politics and Other Controversies
  32. We Go - The Obama Administration Wants To Spy On You: Congress, companies - Politics and Other Controversies
  33. She's at it again!!!! What does it take for people like her to stop using others?: accuse, racist - Politics and Other Controversies
  34. Federal Government Demanding Online Account Passwords: legal, lawyers, Obama, companies - Politics and Other Controversies
  35. Zimmerman juror says he got away with murder: interview, death, Hispanic - Politics and Other Controversies
  36. This Is How a Real Leader Handles a Race race riot...: death, Kennedy - Politics and Other Controversies
  37. Where do the wealthy spend money saved due to tax breaks?: unemployment, brainwash - Politics and Other Controversies
  38. Gun Control Update: Houston Armed Citizen Project giving free shotguns: legal, drug - Politics and Other Controversies
  39. What type of immigration should be limited/banned?: illegal, poll, solutions - Politics and Other Controversies
  40. Single Motherhood: Strongest Predictor of Low Social Mobility: wages, how much, stereotypes - Politics and Other Controversies
  41. Christie: Obama has changed nothing to Dubya's policies for war on terror...because they work.: suspected, deaths - Politics and Other Controversies
  42. Judge rules that city's at-large elections violate CA Voting Rights Act: illegal aliens, racist - Politics and Other Controversies
  43. Following Their Government's Lead: Russian Right-Wingers Brazenly Entrapping And Torturing Gay Teens: cocaine, school - Politics and Other Controversies
  44. The One Dollar Coin or Bill: McCain, Canada, cost, carry - Politics and Other Controversies
  45. Should FL be boycotted?: poll, Miami, economy, Nevada - Politics and Other Controversies
  46. Why do liberals support regulations for nearly everything abortion clinics?: health care, brainwash - Politics and Other Controversies
  47. New $444 million hockey arena is still a go in Detroit: generation, illegal - Politics and Other Controversies
  48. Texas Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Must Repay $1.4 Million After Medicaid Fraud: attorney, health care - Politics and Other Controversies
  49. Hollywood Stars Promoting Obamacare: Will they convince you Obamacare is a good thing?: generation, healthcare - Politics and Other Controversies
  50. Detroit....a great opportunity to start over!: Obama, crime, leader - Politics and Other Controversies
  51. Holder Messes with Texas: unemployment rate, attorney, speech, dollars - Politics and Other Controversies
  52. Woman shoots man, claims SYG/self defense: middle east, weapon, death - Politics and Other Controversies
  53. How would you to this? Is it funny to you?: racist, Alabama - Politics and Other Controversies
  54. The Top Five Worst Companies To Work For: boycott, dollars, education - Politics and Other Controversies
  55. Congress to probe helo crash that killed 30, including SEAL Team 6 members: conspiracy, death - Politics and Other Controversies
  56. The Affordable Socks Crisis: A Parable to Inform on Housing Policy: Congress, legal - Politics and Other Controversies
  57. The House of passed a $598.3 billion defense spending bill Wednesday: illegal, lobbyists - Politics and Other Controversies
  58. Why are Black folks hating on Tavis Smiley: Obama, brainwash, speech - Politics and Other Controversies
  59. Gun related crime youths at a 30 year low.. now that can't be !!: legal, accuse - Politics and Other Controversies
  60. War on voter supression laws ...: illegal, Indiana, Obama, election - Politics and Other Controversies
  61. I wouldn't want to be pulled over by this liberal hating cop.: enemy, weapon - Politics and Other Controversies
  62. Pedophiles Want Same Rights as Homosexuals: legal, abuse, federal government, federal - Politics and Other Controversies
  63. Congress Votes On Repealing Parts Of The NSA: Pelosi, Obama, politician - Politics and Other Controversies
  64. Daycare Teacher Fired After Extinguishing Fire At Center: March, school, claim - Politics and Other Controversies
  65. The story you missed: illegal, death, racist, Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  66. Race Relations Plummet: enemy, poll, racism, Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  67. 17yo kills Police Officer with bare hands using concrete as a weapon.: accuse, death - Politics and Other Controversies
  68. The REAL Detroit story: unemployment, illegal, statistics, suspect - Politics and Other Controversies
  69. Why doesn't Texas secede?: independence, dollars, economy, money - Politics and Other Controversies
  70. Separation of church and state is bad: Israel, holidays, Canada - Politics and Other Controversies
  71. Should government mandate 5 weeks UNpaid vacation for full time workers'?: Congress, legal - Politics and Other Controversies
  72. Why hate socialism so much???????????: unemployment rate, Glenn Beck, brainwash, independence - Politics and Other Controversies
  73. Fully legalize RPG's?: weapons, government, support, vote - Politics and Other Controversies
  74. Are Conservatives hate-watching MSNBC?: Huckabee, racist, dollar, biased - Politics and Other Controversies
  75. Grover Norquist wants open borders: wages, radical, racist, deport - Politics and Other Controversies
  76. Do you think the DC scandals are phony: drug - Politics and Other Controversies
  77. More Liberal Idiocy: Stand Your Ground? No Way! Stand By Your Scumbucket Husband For Political Gain? OF COURSE!!: Clinton, politicians - Politics and Other Controversies
  78. Tired of GOP RINO talk: Colin Powell, NAFTA, Congress - Politics and Other Controversies
  79. Self Defense Against Police?: legal, weapon, suspect, death - Politics and Other Controversies
  80. Police frame owner of Scotia, NY smoke shop: legal, drugs, racism - Politics and Other Controversies
  81. Muslim Girl (11 years old) Runs Away To Avoid Marriage!: Israel, illegal, illegals - Politics and Other Controversies
  82. Bananas Thrown At Black Italian Minister, Cecile Kyenge, During Speech: Congress, regular - Politics and Other Controversies
  83. Gays, Lesbians, & Transgenders want Royal Baby to be gay: gay people, claim - Politics and Other Controversies
  84. If Martin had killed Zimmerman, would you support him using a Stand Your Ground defense?: lawyers, state - Politics and Other Controversies
  85. Republicans, get smart about Health Care!: Congress, illegal, death, Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  86. $24 For One Pill?: salaries, drugs, health care system, dollars - Politics and Other Controversies
  87. Obama Promises, Including Whistleblower Protections, Disappear from Obama's Website: Putin, Whitehouse - Politics and Other Controversies
  88. Egypt;At least 100 people killed, 5000 injured..: unemployment, Israel, extremist, Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  89. As Bradley Manning Trial Comes To An End: death, military - Politics and Other Controversies
  90. Did you ever stop to think that YOU are the problem?: party affiliation - Politics and Other Controversies
  91. Obamacare Call Center Will Not Offer Healthcare Benefits to Employees: employment, wage - Politics and Other Controversies
  92. The New Yorker Cover Anthony Weiner: death, ideology, politician - Politics and Other Controversies
  93. classism vs racism in america?: Hispanics, school, carry, education - Politics and Other Controversies
  94. The Face of Stand Your Ground: suspect, death, carry, state - Politics and Other Controversies
  95. WTF - Occupy Protesters Were to be Killed Via Sniper Fire (Official Document): FBI - Politics and Other Controversies
  96. IRS Union: We Don't Want No Stinkin' Obamacare: Congressmen, health care - Politics and Other Controversies
  97. How sexism hurts men?: deaths, how much, money, support - Politics and Other Controversies
  98. What You Sing About Can Get You Dumped By Record Companies: Congress, Reagan - Politics and Other Controversies
  99. The history of Stand your Ground in America: enemy, attorneys - Politics and Other Controversies
  100. Holder promises he won't kill or torture Snowden if he comes back: enemy, death - Politics and Other Controversies
  101. I'm not religious and never have been so help me understand, why did Christians support slavery and jim crow?: middle east, legal - Politics and Other Controversies
  102. Iftar dinner at white house: generations, Christmas, Whitehouse, Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  103. When are White people going to fix that problem?: racism, dollars - Politics and Other Controversies
  104. Long Live Oakland County: While Detroit sits in bankruptcy, its neighbor to the north thrives: racism, Birmingham - Politics and Other Controversies
  105. Cars burned and violence over France burqa ban in Paris suburb: enemies, racist - Politics and Other Controversies
  106. Who is racist?: racism, Chicago, percent, world - Politics and Other Controversies
  107. Why I hate the word Retarded: speech, states, problems - Politics and Other Controversies
  108. This is why we are doomed---: illegal, abortion, Colorado, community - Politics and Other Controversies
  109. Chris Christie attacks libertarianism: Pelosi, racist, Brown, Reid - Politics and Other Controversies
  110. GOP votes to repeal Obamacare 39 times, but won't defund it!: Congress, interview - Politics and Other Controversies
  111. We are in the terminal phase of an unprecedented debt spiral: generations, Baby Boomers - Politics and Other Controversies
  112. My To the NFL's Washintion Redskins...: soldier, border, military - Politics and Other Controversies
  113. Man, Talk about Different Styles: Reagan, death, Clinton, Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  114. Warehousing the Mentally Ill -: Congress, generation, Reagan, drugs - Politics and Other Controversies
  115. The Most Egregious States For Speeding Tickets In The US: illegal, highway - Politics and Other Controversies
  116. Obama drops again, Another Pivot to tell you what you want to hear.: speech, rating - Politics and Other Controversies
  117. Elephant In The Room: Should aggravated assault be lawful if someone is following you?: legal, activist - Politics and Other Controversies
  118. McCain, the Maverick, is back?: Congress, generations, abortion, party - Politics and Other Controversies
  119. moderate democrats are giving up on Obamacare...: health care, premium, independent - Politics and Other Controversies
  120. Japan's Fukushima operator acknowledges contaminated water still flowing into sea: suspect, Canada - Politics and Other Controversies
  121. Conversation About Race: drugs, attorney, CNN, racism - Politics and Other Controversies
  122. Why is there such a HUGE racial divide in perceptions about justice in America? And will this ever change?: legal, drugs - Politics and Other Controversies
  123. New Anthony Weiner accusations: politician, compared, elect, government - Politics and Other Controversies
  124. What is the basic cause of the misery so many inner-city blacks are living in, and what keeps it going?: generations, drug - Politics and Other Controversies
  125. And the GOP march to the bottom continues.: illegal aliens, drug, Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  126. Hey, Gays, Be Careful What You Wish For...: legal, death, politicians - Politics and Other Controversies
  127. California Confication of Illegal Guns: drugs, accuse, weapons, Brown - Politics and Other Controversies
  128. Obama is sending millions of your tax dollars to support Syrian Islamic terrorist Christian killers: Ron Paul, Iraq - Politics and Other Controversies
  129. What ticks you off about people of the same political persuasion as you?: minimum wage, Afghanistan - Politics and Other Controversies
  130. Obama Is Going To Lobby OBAMA, To Focus On The Economy??: speech, leader - Politics and Other Controversies
  131. 27% of Medicare's budget goes for in their final year of life.: drugs, health care system - Politics and Other Controversies
  132. New Yorkers attacked with hammers by black youths: concealed carry, concealed, 2013 - Politics and Other Controversies
  133. Would Obama let his daughters date Trayvon: elect, murder, best - Politics and Other Controversies
  134. Study: Al Qaeda Growing: Iraq, middle east, enemy, Afghanistan - Politics and Other Controversies
  135. Why Do Think Obama Can Do No Wrong?: party, support, country - Politics and Other Controversies
  136. Terrorists assault Abu Ghraib prison, release 500-plus senior Al Qaeda militants: Iraq, Baghdad - Politics and Other Controversies
  137. Come on people, get over this slavery thing: racist, Obama, violent crime - Politics and Other Controversies
  138. Unlimited legal immigration for non criminals?: Mexicans, deport, Miami, felons - Politics and Other Controversies
  139. Constitutional to ban all types of religious symbols at public places/schools?: Congress, speech - Politics and Other Controversies
  140. HUDS new fair housing rule establishes diversity data in every neighborhood in U.S.: dollars, school - Politics and Other Controversies
  141. Why does Chicago get such a bad rap for its murder rate?: activist, Indiana - Politics and Other Controversies
  142. Stand Your Ground' has caused massive cancellations of musical entertainment acts: racist, Miami - Politics and Other Controversies
  143. Goldman and JP Morgan's commodity cartel: Congress, interviews, wages - Politics and Other Controversies
  144. The obsession with African Americans: money, states, status, murder - Politics and Other Controversies
  145. SYG is found in the US Constitution. Why the denial it exists?: racism, Hispanic - Politics and Other Controversies
  146. Zimmerman's Lawsuit Against Al Sharpton, NBC, and the Martin Family Attorneys: legal, conspiracy - Politics and Other Controversies
  147. White Privilege...Does it Exist?: racist, companies, Walmart, money - Politics and Other Controversies
  148. Arming Syrian whoevers?: weapons, Obama, military, terrorists - Politics and Other Controversies
  149. 9/11. Inside job or not? (Poll): Obama, terrorism, carry, government - Politics and Other Controversies
  150. huds-new-fair-housing-rule-establishes-diversity-data-every-neighborhood-us: drug, money, federal government, federal - Politics and Other Controversies
  151. What Exactly is White Guilt?: racism, Austin, status, minorities - Politics and Other Controversies
  152. The true cost being the world's biggest warmonger: spokeswoman, soldiers, health care - Politics and Other Controversies
  153. Do guys get amnesty? Just curious....: illegal aliens, border, Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  154. Anti Affordable Healthcare BUT will/do receive Medicare?: employment, drugs, health care - Politics and Other Controversies
  155. America's Worst Charities (50): salaries, drug, statistics, regular - Politics and Other Controversies
  156. Food Stamp Program Helps Feed Half the Caribbean: Congress, wages, Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  157. Blacks and Black Pride, From a Black: enemy, racist, Hispanic - Politics and Other Controversies
  158. New Twist iin CLimate Change: Researchers Warn Of Catastrophic Methane Release From The Thawing Arctic: global warming, brainwash - Politics and Other Controversies
  159. An Actual Tea Party?: Reagan, activist, independent, March - Politics and Other Controversies
  160. Kate Middleton in what?: Obama, radio, bomb, news - Politics and Other Controversies
  161. Breaking: George Zimmerman Changes His Name: Clinton, Obama, administration, work - Politics and Other Controversies
  162. Was Reagan a big spender prez?: Colin Powell, employment, stats, Clinton - Politics and Other Controversies
  163. Detroit council supports calls for federal investigation of civil rights charges against George Zimmerman: racist, solutions - Politics and Other Controversies
  164. Alinsky: Change is brought about through relentless agitation: Congress, enemy, activist - Politics and Other Controversies
  165. FBI’s bus ads taken down over Muslim/terrorist stereotyping: middle east, FBI - Politics and Other Controversies
  166. Obama...........“If you think education is expensive, wait until you see how much ignorance costs in the 21st century.”: cost, dollars - Politics and Other Controversies
  167. Sorry the Bailout was a failure: Gov't needs $95.51 per share to break on GM: Congress, economy - Politics and Other Controversies
  168. I see a lot of Obama bashing on This time, blame the GOP: politicians, party - Politics and Other Controversies
  169. What is limited/small What is the Constitution's role?: weapons, racist - Politics and Other Controversies
  170. Bush One Shaves His Head To Fit In...: politicians, education, election - Politics and Other Controversies
  171. Test: Just how pro-life are you?: illegal aliens, health care, borders - Politics and Other Controversies
  172. 19 U.S. cities have proportionately bigger workforces than bankrupted Detroit: employment, military - Politics and Other Controversies
  173. Motown to Bankruptcy Court to decide legality of pension changes: salaries - Politics and Other Controversies
  174. It all began with Wilson: Congress, legal, cocaine, drug - Politics and Other Controversies
  175. Why is the US pubilc school system so bad?: statistics, how much, dollar - Politics and Other Controversies
  176. O'Reilly opines on the problems in the black community: Obama, FBI, broadcast - Politics and Other Controversies
  177. Obamacare won't slash workers' hours, report finds: unemployment, interview, wages - Politics and Other Controversies
  178. Stand for democracy-Overturn Citizens United, Jeff Clements legislation: Congress, attorney, poll - Politics and Other Controversies
  179. Hypothetical Would you invest your money in a Conservative state or Liberal state?: unemployment, Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  180. No More US Postal Mail Delivery for New Homes: Congress, solution, cost - Politics and Other Controversies
  181. Will You Boycott The Movies/TV Shows Of Hollywood Celebrities That Shill For Obamacare?: regular, insurance - Politics and Other Controversies
  182. Sanford Police say George Zimmerman helped pull someone from overturned vehicle: highway, death - Politics and Other Controversies
  183. Morsi abducted by army..............his son Osama upset: John Kerry, illegal, accuse - Politics and Other Controversies
  184. U.N. Director proposes 1.6 Billion Population for USA by end of century: Canada, border - Politics and Other Controversies
  185. Obama approval ratings down to 41%: Clinton, dollar, dictator, elections - Politics and Other Controversies
  186. Christian Mob Protests Gay Marriage - Threatens to Burn Down Statehouse and Beats 2 Homosexuals to Death: legal, accuse - Politics and Other Controversies
  187. Egypt Islamist Calls for U.S. Embassy Siege Amid Unrest: Obama, how much - Politics and Other Controversies
  188. 83 percent disapprove of Congress: Obama, independent, rating, leader - Politics and Other Controversies
  189. Obama sponsored bill strengthening Stand Your Ground law in Illinois: death, Barack Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  190. Obamanomics: 2 added to food stamp rolls for every job Obama administration claims to have created....: statistics, Walmart - Politics and Other Controversies
  191. Blacks, Whites and Greens: Issues we have in this country: statistics, racism - Politics and Other Controversies
  192. Should Or All Guns Be Banned?: legal, drugs, weapons - Politics and Other Controversies
  193. Do conservatives know/accept history when it comes to race in America?: drug, border - Politics and Other Controversies
  194. EPA Quietly Raises Pesticide (Monsanto's Roundup) Limits In Fruits and Vegetables: school, financial - Politics and Other Controversies
  195. For of you Who Dislike Guns: legal, activist, racist - Politics and Other Controversies
  196. Can republicans tell me when America officially becomes Greece, and inflation actually happens: unemployment rate, independent - Politics and Other Controversies
  197. How does one become mayor?: legal, lawyer, solutions, crimes - Politics and Other Controversies
  198. Did Anthony Weiner write Bob Filner's apology?: President, city, democrat - Politics and Other Controversies
  199. Obama meeting with top NSA officials: Levin, Reed, Barack Obama, CEO - Politics and Other Controversies
  200. Obama Promise to Protect Whistleblowers Scrubbed From Barack Obama, dollars, abuse - Politics and Other Controversies