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  1. Satanists to rally for Gov. Rick Scott: Reagan, legal, school - Politics and Other Controversies
  2. Biden to NRA: We ‘don’t have the time’ to prosecute gun buyers who lie on background check: illegal, controversial - Politics and Other Controversies
  3. Conservatism does not mean Red vs. Blue: Al Gore, unemployment - Politics and Other Controversies
  4. Guns for me, but not for thee...: death, Barack Obama, lobby - Politics and Other Controversies
  5. Gun Confiscation Bill Introduced in Congress: house of weapons, Obama, government - Politics and Other Controversies
  6. 20 Minute Sandy Hook Police Response Time Myth: CNN, death, school - Politics and Other Controversies
  7. $200 Million Tax Dollars Will Be Sent To China: money, federal government, program - Politics and Other Controversies
  8. Rand Paul to push legislation nullifying Obama’s executive actions on guns: Congress - Politics and Other Controversies
  9. Gun Owners of America makes excuses for Reagan's gun control stance, blames it on his old age: weapons, Clinton - Politics and Other Controversies
  10. And we care what the Brady campaign and anti gun nuts say.....because?: Reagan, votes - Politics and Other Controversies
  11. Should we use GAAP accounting for the Federal Government - Politics and Other Controversies
  12. remember this old gal from the campaign?: Obama, vote, constitution - Politics and Other Controversies
  13. NY democrats wanted provision put in bill to confiscate assault weapons: cost, state government - Politics and Other Controversies
  14. Book Released, Author Believes GOP Stole the Nomination from Ron Paul: conspiracy, votes - Politics and Other Controversies
  15. Zombie Titles: legal, attorney, politicians, parties - Politics and Other Controversies
  16. Obama approval at 3-year high.: Congress, poll, suspect, Barack Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  17. algerian counter-jihad tactics: enemy, cost, terrorist, children - Politics and Other Controversies
  18. R Lee sighting! - Politics and Other Controversies
  19. Manti Te'o Hoax Proves How Pathetic The Media Really Is: legal, extremist - Politics and Other Controversies
  20. Political Correctness Strikes Again: Transgender Woman Who Deserted Marines 31 Years Ago Will Get Honorable Discharge: enemy, soldier - Politics and Other Controversies
  21. Homophobia in modern psychology: homosexual, community, own, homosexuality - Politics and Other Controversies
  22. ACA has laws that are pro gun: healthcare, Brown, Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  23. They really are trying to buy our guns from us.: house of weapon - Politics and Other Controversies
  24. First foreign president? Where was he born?: news, socialist, controversy - Politics and Other Controversies
  25. What is a anti gun nut? - Politics and Other Controversies
  26. Guns can be used to defend, nukes can't: weapons, government, support - Politics and Other Controversies
  27. Eisenhower denounces NRA: Obama, gun owners, 2013, Georgia - Politics and Other Controversies
  28. Government makes it so there is no competition to choose from.: solution, examples - Politics and Other Controversies
  29. Bully Pulpit? Try Bully Court.: Putin, attorney, Clinton, Barack Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  30. How has my safety and freedom been increased with this new gun control? - Politics and Other Controversies
  31. OFA2 Starts Sunday: house of unemployment, Barack Obama, election - Politics and Other Controversies
  32. Why isn't Obama sueing New York, MA, CA, over gun laws?: illegal, illegals - Politics and Other Controversies
  33. I turned in my guns: Iraq, legal, Afghanistan, Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  34. Bette Midler Blames Nation's Mental Health Problems On...Ronald Reagan: Kennedy, Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  35. Gun Restrictions Have Always Bred Defiance, Black Markets: legal, weapons, Miami - Politics and Other Controversies
  36. Arf: FBI, weapons, fence, speech - Politics and Other Controversies
  37. Why is gun control does not apply to government?: arsenal, drugs, weapons - Politics and Other Controversies
  38. Exxon's big plans for offshore drilling near Titanic: global warming, Canada, companies - Politics and Other Controversies
  39. Gen. Stanley McChrystal a Liberal ?: illegal, weapon, Brown, military - Politics and Other Controversies
  40. Racist AG wants courts to stop release of F&F records: Obama, dictator - Politics and Other Controversies
  41. We Are All American: independent, gun laws, laws, religion - Politics and Other Controversies
  42. Anniversary of Eisenhowers Prophetic warning: 2013, campaign - Politics and Other Controversies
  43. Rahm Emanuel assaults journalist: Obama, dictator, Chicago, vote - Politics and Other Controversies
  44. When the drug war ends: salaries, Mexican, illegal, drugs - Politics and Other Controversies
  45. A Great Video that Really Explains how to Stop Mass Shootings: news - Politics and Other Controversies
  46. we go again: NFL wants more diversity, expanding Rooney Rule: interview, regular - Politics and Other Controversies
  47. When will the American people make the Republican party stop holding the economy back?: Harry Reid, Afghanistan - Politics and Other Controversies
  48. 83 percent of Americans think government spending is out of control: polls, accuse - Politics and Other Controversies
  49. Sheriffs, state lawmakers push back on gun control: constitution, news, against - Politics and Other Controversies
  50. Only 72 Congress Members Attend Constitution Reading: house of government, states, Virginia - Politics and Other Controversies
  51. Fast And Furious Scandal: Man Claims To Have Shot U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry; Blood On Obama's & Media's Hand: leader, administration - Politics and Other Controversies
  52. Missouri bill would block new gun controls: suspect, Obama, dictator - Politics and Other Controversies
  53. The US is a nation of deadbeats, contrary to what dear leader states: Obama, companies - Politics and Other Controversies
  54. Cruz: Obama 'High on His Own Power': ratings, leader, propaganda - Politics and Other Controversies
  55. URGENT! OBAMA Signs Anti-Protest Bill - FREE SPEECH & Protest will: Whitehouse, March - Politics and Other Controversies
  56. How would you fix government spending?: employment, drugs, Pelosi, health care - Politics and Other Controversies
  57. New York GUN GRABBER Gov. Andrew Cuomo forgets to exempt police ...carrying ammunition clips no more than 7 bullets: unemployed, Congress - Politics and Other Controversies
  58. Unbelievable: West Point Academy Sends Out Warning Against People That Support Individual Freedoms And Self Government: enemy, Israel - Politics and Other Controversies
  59. Whole Food's Mackey: We need to be Swiss: employment, Franken, interview - Politics and Other Controversies
  60. 75% of people want term limits on congress: Harry Reid, McCain, - Politics and Other Controversies
  61. Taxed for how far you drive: Obama, brainwash, how much, economic - Politics and Other Controversies
  62. How the NRA rendered the ATF toothless: Congress, Mexican, legal - Politics and Other Controversies
  63. Gun Owners... How many of you would report serial numbers of your weapons to the government: interstate, legal - Politics and Other Controversies
  64. Controversial or Political books: death, economic, states, federal - Politics and Other Controversies
  65. Why Don't Veterans Run Veteran Hospitals?: healthcare, racism, Reed, military - Politics and Other Controversies
  66. One of the newest conspiracy theories that scare the hell out of me: weapons, radical - Politics and Other Controversies
  67. Holder begs to prevent release of Fast/Furious docs: Iran, Mexican, drug - Politics and Other Controversies
  68. Mental Health and Guns: legal, drugs, lawyer, polls - Politics and Other Controversies
  69. Breaking News: Armed Man In Camouflage Caught In Woods Behind Sandy Hook Identified As Off Duty Tactical SWAT Officer: legal, soldier - Politics and Other Controversies
  70. Confession: I've never seen the Toddlers and Tiaras show. Is this article remotely accurate?: controversial, regular - Politics and Other Controversies
  71. Ruger: attorney, weapons, companies - Politics and Other Controversies
  72. Secession: A American Principle: myths, states, Louisiana, constitutional - Politics and Other Controversies
  73. When will Sharapova and others be caught for their doping use?: interview, drug - Politics and Other Controversies
  74. Why do we need the NRA and other lobbyists ?: fast food, Congress - Politics and Other Controversies
  75. How about you place a sign in your yard that states your home is gun free?: death, invasion - Politics and Other Controversies
  76. Jesus said we should sell all we have and give it to the poor. Jesus was a liberal.: Al Gore, economy - Politics and Other Controversies
  77. Why do Blacks & Hispanics in major cities support gun control?: ethic, weapons - Politics and Other Controversies
  78. Perhaps it is time for a 2 tierd society: drug, weapons, solution - Politics and Other Controversies
  79. Firefighters Watch as Man Drowns: Brown, Kennedy, dollar, Illinois - Politics and Other Controversies
  80. Breaking News: New Jersey Town Proposes Widespread Banning Of The American Flag From Being Flown (This Is No Joke): Obama, claims - Politics and Other Controversies
  81. The Right Wing Agenda - More Obstructionism, Guns, Birthers, Impeachment: Mexican, border - Politics and Other Controversies
  82. House to pass 3 month debt ceiling bill ..: Congress, federal, vote - Politics and Other Controversies
  83. Anti Gun man rescued by Gun Owners.: fence, Houston, own - Politics and Other Controversies
  84. Obama starts own nonprofit propoganda machine: extremist, racist, identities, lobbyists - Politics and Other Controversies
  85. Breaking: Ex New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin Convicted On 20 Out Of 21 Counts Of Bribary, Conspiracy And Tax Evasion: legal, drugs - Politics and Other Controversies
  86. Interesting for support gay marriage: generations, government, laws - Politics and Other Controversies
  87. Stop and Frisk Vs. DWI Checkpoints: illegal, Canada, crime, biased - Politics and Other Controversies
  88. 65% of the people see 2nd amendment as protections against tyranny.: Congress, Iraq - Politics and Other Controversies
  89. Whole Foods threatened with boycott by liberal customers after CEO compares Obamacare to 'fascism': interview, ethical - Politics and Other Controversies
  90. The Northeast has made it plain....: unemployment, Obama, ideology, insurance - Politics and Other Controversies
  91. Mali: Pentagon gives Congress the middle digit salute: Iraq, suspect - Politics and Other Controversies
  92. Why is it that the states who scream about how patriotic they are are the first one's to petition for secession ?: Limbaugh, party affiliation - Politics and Other Controversies
  93. Reid refuses to compromise.: Harry Reid, Reagan, illegal aliens, racism - Politics and Other Controversies
  94. Poll Shows NRA More Popular Than President Obama; As Usual, Media Ignore: violent crime, school - Politics and Other Controversies
  95. Obama Child Abuse Video: Did Obama's 10 Year-Old Human Shield Play The Birther Card Reading 'Gun Control Letter'?: racist, brainwash - Politics and Other Controversies
  96. A taste of what's to come: illegal, Obama, illegals, dictator - Politics and Other Controversies
  97. Should the 1st amendment include the Internet and airwaves?: Congress, illegal, attorney - Politics and Other Controversies
  98. If you're building a house or new shop bewarned!: weapons, crime, government - Politics and Other Controversies
  99. More Chicago gang shootings of teens, beating last years numbers, Murder timeline, and more Huffington articles: drug, deaths - Politics and Other Controversies
  100. Graphs that should make you sick to your stomach: unemployment, drugs, regime - Politics and Other Controversies
  101. Lance Armstrong, Ray Nagin and Bernie Madoff Walk into a Bar ...: interview, drugs - Politics and Other Controversies
  102. Man who doesnt believe in guns rescued by two armed civilians in robbery!: CNN, Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  103. 650 Hostages Released in Algeria: Iraq, CNN, regular, border - Politics and Other Controversies
  104. K-8 School Hires Armed Security Guard In Response to Sandy Hook - He Promptly Leaves Gun In Bathroom: Michigan, county - Politics and Other Controversies
  105. If you could change the Constitution would you?: Congress, weapons - Politics and Other Controversies
  106. Lance Armstrong, Arrogant , Did Little To Repair His Image In Mea Culpa With Oprah; Have We No More Decent Role Models: how much, military - Politics and Other Controversies
  107. The right to bear arms, or just certain arms?: weapons, revolution, ammunition - Politics and Other Controversies
  108. Photos of man shopping with rifle at Utah J.C. Penney go viral: illegal, weapons - Politics and Other Controversies
  109. Seattle restaurant refuses to serve agents of the tyrant.: illegal, Afghanistan, military - Politics and Other Controversies
  110. Glenn Beck guest discusses armed school children, suggests they could prevent school shootings like Sandy Hook: carry, state - Politics and Other Controversies
  111. children = Democrats human shield ?: Limbaugh, global warming, highway, Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  112. Just got back from gunshop, there is 3 month backlog on Ruger and Glock products...: Barack Hussein Obama, money - Politics and Other Controversies
  113. Molon Labe Sticker on Presidential Limo: racism, Obama, dictator, history - Politics and Other Controversies
  114. Gun owner shot with own gun in own home: suspect, county, state - Politics and Other Controversies
  115. This dumb football player/fake girlfriend story: interviews, regular, suspect - Politics and Other Controversies
  116. Jobless claims drop to 5-year low: unemployment rate, Mexicans, legal, suspect - Politics and Other Controversies
  117. If you had a weapon, would you defend yourself ?: lawyer, death, Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  118. The to make guns a 'health' issue: Congress, heroin, drugs - Politics and Other Controversies
  119. Are We Wasting Billions Seeking a Cure for Cancer?: drugs, health care system, death - Politics and Other Controversies
  120. UFO Crashes into Wind Turbine!: Missouri, how much, military, claim - Politics and Other Controversies
  121. Do you liberals understand that if the gov't criminalizes gun ownership, you'll end up with gun gangs..: legal, weapons - Politics and Other Controversies
  122. Should we change how has treated the mentally ill?: Reagan, legal - Politics and Other Controversies
  123. How firearms will disappear: house of illegal, lawyers, polls - Politics and Other Controversies
  124. Car Full of Thugs On Drugs Runs Over Another Innocent Man in Mississippi: fast food, CNN - Politics and Other Controversies
  125. This is how stupid Liberals are about guns: weapons, death, military - Politics and Other Controversies
  126. They can't beat us,so they make fun of us!: Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck - Politics and Other Controversies
  127. Texas to New York gun owners leave there and come: suspect, borders - Politics and Other Controversies
  128. So if the sandy hook shooter had only had 10 round mags and he killed only 14 kids instead of 20 thats OK: solutions, lobby - Politics and Other Controversies
  129. Proposed Gun Legislation: Congress, illegal, weapons, deaths - Politics and Other Controversies
  130. Will the right ever learn?: unemployment, generations, candidacy, illegal - Politics and Other Controversies
  131. Osama bin Laden: Iraq, enemy, Obama, Somali - Politics and Other Controversies
  132. Congrats Black Folks for Shutting down the Oxygen Show All my Babies' Mamas.: racism, stereotypes - Politics and Other Controversies
  133. Why not a 100% tax rate?: how much, party, money, federal government - Politics and Other Controversies
  134. ObamaCare eliminates more jobs.....: salary, health care, March - Politics and Other Controversies
  135. Obama said Al-Quada is on their heels - 7 Americans held captive: Congress, speech - Politics and Other Controversies
  136. Rednecks, hillbillies, southerners, cowboys, country, .... what do things mean, and is there really differ: lawyer, regular - Politics and Other Controversies
  137. And we care what the NRA leadership has to say, because......?: legal, drug - Politics and Other Controversies
  138. Do you hate the Constitution of the US?: legal, treason, speech - Politics and Other Controversies
  139. good things in Obama's guns bad executive orders: Congress, illegal - Politics and Other Controversies
  140. Obama Phone Lady Speaks Out - Against Obama!!: interview, leader, supporter - Politics and Other Controversies
  141. Look on the bright side, Righties: Mexican, legal, drugs, weapons - Politics and Other Controversies
  142. Large capacity mags did not help the Sandy Hook shooter kill more kids.: legal, statistics - Politics and Other Controversies
  143. Can North Carolina outsource its death row to other states????/: illegal, injection - Politics and Other Controversies
  144. Oregon sheriff refuses to enforce new gun laws: marijuana, Obama, county - Politics and Other Controversies
  145. Piers Morgan Proudly Admits to Exploiting Sandy Hook Victims: accuse, Obama, how much - Politics and Other Controversies
  146. facts about the AR-15: legal, FBI, soldier, weapons - Politics and Other Controversies
  147. NRA Supported taking guns out of the hands of black panthers: Reagan, weapons - Politics and Other Controversies
  148. Survey: 64% of Republicans are birthers: poll, conspiracy, Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  149. Good Grief: NBC News Veteran Tom Brokaw Compares Anti-Gun Campaign To Fight Against Racial Segregation In The 1960's.: polls, soldier - Politics and Other Controversies
  150. Public high school in Wisconsin indoctrinates students in ‘white privilege’: illegal, Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  151. President Obama orders CDC: resume gun safety research: Congress, solution - Politics and Other Controversies
  152. Why do we allow media to glorify the criminals?: serial killers, crimes, gun owners - Politics and Other Controversies
  153. You have a gun... I have a gun: healthcare, weapon, Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  154. When is Hilary going to testify???????: Clinton, treason, crimes, party - Politics and Other Controversies
  155. 2700 deaths per month from auto accidens: Mexican, drug, Kennedy, cost - Politics and Other Controversies
  156. Why are conservatives so against personal liberty when it comes to marijuana legalization?: Congress, generation - Politics and Other Controversies
  157. another racist code word: nullification.: Rush Limbaugh, Colin Powell, McCain, accuses - Politics and Other Controversies
  158. If 18 year olds are going to drink anyways, why not lower the drinking age, they are adults after all: legal, military - Politics and Other Controversies
  159. Christian Right says ugly wives are ruining marriages and driving husbands to drink: abortions, Jesus - Politics and Other Controversies
  160. The New Trend: White women not wanting white men, what exactly is the issue in your opinion?: generations, stereotypes - Politics and Other Controversies
  161. Jon Stewart Exposes NRA History: Congressmen, Mexican, drug, Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  162. Nukes for all!: speech, government, gun, constitution - Politics and Other Controversies
  163. Poll: More Than A Third Of Americans & 64% Of Republicans Say Obama Is Hiding Something 'About His Background And Birth': Rush Limbaugh, legal - Politics and Other Controversies
  164. News, Should Doctors Ask About Gun Ownership?: Obama, lobbyists, lobby - Politics and Other Controversies
  165. Lefty governor forgets to exempt police from his tyrannical gun law: weapon, Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  166. Hitler (like Obama) used to children to promote gun control: Reagan, polls - Politics and Other Controversies
  167. Guns: 100 years in the future: weapons, death, carry, gun owners - Politics and Other Controversies
  168. Resemblances to Sandy Hook Victims: conspiracy, 9/11, violent crime, school - Politics and Other Controversies
  169. This is why we can't compete with China: wages, generation, premium - Politics and Other Controversies
  170. The latest murder statistics from WHO, MURDERS PER 100,000 citizens...: deaths, states, gun owners - Politics and Other Controversies
  171. Got a quote on my tax return, it's lower than normal. Is this the beginning of the benefits of Obamacare?: health care, premium - Politics and Other Controversies
  172. Pro-Obamacare group sponsoring symposium to train journalists how to report on Obamacare: wage, illegal - Politics and Other Controversies
  173. Top Reason for Women’s Abortions is No Supportive Partner, Father: kids, news - Politics and Other Controversies
  174. Glen Beck, A New Money Making Scheme: Glenn Beck, death, independence - Politics and Other Controversies
  175. Christie Unloads On The Far Right Again, This Time The NRA: accuse, death - Politics and Other Controversies
  176. LOL at Americans clinging to their guns and religon: weapons, patriot, religion - Politics and Other Controversies
  177. If the right to keep and bear arms was the 1st Amendment instead of the 2nd,: government, gun - Politics and Other Controversies
  178. 2,666 Deaths a Month From Firearms: legal, health care, statistics, Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  179. House Republicans in retreat: Congress, legal, racist, military - Politics and Other Controversies
  180. The case for Lobbyist: Congress, legal, independent, lobbyists - Politics and Other Controversies
  181. How Liberal Conservative are you: poll, government, support, voted - Politics and Other Controversies
  182. First county in the nation to nullify gun grab laws.: solution, state - Politics and Other Controversies
  183. Who says you can kill American's Mr President?: Obama, dictator, 2013 - Politics and Other Controversies
  184. Thank you Florida for fighting drones: government, votes, Senate, 2013 - Politics and Other Controversies
  185. Is Rand Paul a christian zionist?: 2013, against, own - Politics and Other Controversies
  186. Why Do Hawaiians Have Fake Girlfriends?: Obama - Politics and Other Controversies
  187. Attack on Sovereignty - Politics and Other Controversies
  188. Rand Paul vows to torpedo Dictator Obama EO: Israel, support, war - Politics and Other Controversies
  189. The lefts position on gun control - Politics and Other Controversies
  190. Obama bypasses Congress, attempts to force companies to reveal political donations through SEC: spokesman, free speech - Politics and Other Controversies
  191. Tongue in cheek....: wages, polls, Obama, school - Politics and Other Controversies
  192. Good stories of guns saving people - Politics and Other Controversies
  193. Has calculated the aggregate popular vote in US congress?: how much, house - Politics and Other Controversies
  194. This is what legal gun owners afraid of......: death, Obama, speech - Politics and Other Controversies
  195. Game Released That Allows You To Shoot The NRA: rifle - Politics and Other Controversies
  196. Establishment is trying to stop RP republicans from taking elected seats in Alaska: leader, party - Politics and Other Controversies
  197. Texas bank welcomes concealed carry firearms: handguns, war - Politics and Other Controversies
  198. O'Reilly- Gun Control Hypocrites - Politics and Other Controversies
  199. Obama: Thanks for giving me a voice: 2013, President - Politics and Other Controversies
  200. The Treasury Has Minted Two Trillion Dollar Coins: retirement, money - Politics and Other Controversies