Manchester: Communications

Newspapers and Magazines

The Union Leader Corporation publishes the New Hampshire Union Leader each morning, Monday through Saturday, and the New Hampshire Sunday News. The newspaper's Internet website publishes new content daily and maintains a searchable archive of past articles. A weekly New Hampshire edition of the Boston Globe is published in Manchester. The Hippo is a free entertainment and features newspaper published every Thursday. The Registry Review is a statewide real estate and financial newspaper. Magazines include the monthly Business NH as well as the New Hampshire Business Review, New Hampshire Magazine, and The Red Brick Review, a literary magazine.

Television and Radio

A national affiliate television station and an independent station are located in Manchester. The city receives Boston television programming as well. Cable television is provided locally. Five AM and FM commercial radio stations broadcast from Manchester.

Media Information: Union Leader, Union Leader Corporation, 100 William Loeb Drive, PO Box 9555, Manchester, NH 03108-9555; telephone (603)668-4321; fax (603)668-0382

Manchester Online

City of Manchester. Available

Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce. Available

Manchester City Library. Available

Manchester School District. Available

Manchester Union Leader. Available

New Hampshire Division of Travel & Tourism Development. Available

Selected Bibliography

Manchester Historic Association, Manchester, New Hampshire, Centennial Celebration of Manchester, N.H., June 13, 1810–1910 (Manchester, NH: Published by authority of the city government, 1910)