Rapid City: Communications

Newspapers and Magazines

The city's daily newspaper is the Rapid City Journal . Other local newspapers include the weeklies The Plainsman and Indian Country Today. The Visitor is a quarterly magazine; Investment Report is a monthly magazine published in Rapid City.

Television and Radio

Rapid City is served by four network television stations and two cable companies. The city has 11 AM and FM radio stations.

Media Information: Rapid City Journal, 507 Main Street, PO Box 450, Rapid City, SD 57701; telephone (605)394-8400

Rapid City Online

City of Rapid City home page. Available www.rcgov.org

Ellsworth Air Force Base home page. Available www.ellsworth.af.mil

Rapid City Area Economic Development Partnership home page. Available www.rapiddevelopment.com

Rapid City Convention & Visitors Bureau home page. Available www.rapidcitycvb.com

Rapid City Public Library home page. Available www.rapidcitylibrary.org

South Dakota Arts Council home page (directory of arts festivals and pow wows). Available www.sdarts.org

Selected Bibliography

Riney, Scott, The Rapid City Indian School, 1898-1933 (University of Oklahoma Press, 1999)