Mission Hills, CA City Guides

1. Bar Dynamite

City: Mission Hills, CA
Category: Nightlife
Telephone: (619) 295-8743
Address: 1808 West Washington Street

Description: Hip-hop, reggae, Brazilian, house, and even the occasional disco tune are spun by DJs six nights a week. Young sophisticates are drawn to this comfy neighborhood bar weekend nights by its great sound system and refreshingly different tunes.

2. The Lamplighter

City: Mission Hills, CA
Category: Nightlife
Telephone: (619) 298-3624
Address: 817 West Washington Street

Description: There’s a pool table, a full bar, and a neighborhood crowd that couldn’t be friendlier at the Lamplighter. Bartenders are exuberant in their attention to customers; some are a show in themselves. But if you want to put on your own show, some of the area’s best karaoke starts at 9:00 p.m. nightly except Monday. The bar opens at 6:00 a.m.
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