Angwin, CA City Guides

1. Angwin Airport

City: Angwin, CA
Category: Getting Here, Getting Around
Telephone: (707) 965-6219
Address: 100 Angwin Avenue

2. Pacific Union College

City: Angwin, CA
Category: Relocation
Telephone: (707) 965-6311, (800) 862-7080
Address: 100 Howell Mountain Road N.

Description: PUC is a small (just more than 1,600 students), private, Seventh-day Adventist college surrounded by 1,800 acres of crops and forest on top of Howell Mountain, where it has been since 1906. The views are fabulous, and the education is highly regarded. U.S. News & World Report ranked the school the top liberal-arts college in California in 1998, and the Right College places it in the top 10 in the nation for the percentage of male graduates who enter medical school. The student-faculty ratio is an appealing 12-to-1.Pacific Union is most definitely a unique experience. The student body is ethnically diverse; the cafeteria is vegetarian (in line with Seventh-day Adventist practice); and the Abroad Program offers overseas study, including full-year programs in Argentina, Austria, France, Kenya, and Spain. Service is a big part of a PUC student’s commitment. Many strike out on yearlong missions, and even more are actively involved with local homeless shelters, prison ministries, and the like. The college offers associate’s, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees in 19 academic departments, with the most popular majors being nursing, business administration, biology, behavioral science, chemistry, art, and communication.

3. Pacific Union College

City: Angwin, CA
Category: Spectator Sports
Telephone: (800) 862-7080
Address: 1 Angwin Avenue

Description: Tiny PUC has to scramble to come up with funding for sports, but the NAIA Division II school does what it can. It fields men’s and/or women’s teams in soccer, volleyball, cross-country, and basketball. The Pioneers have produced recent California Pacific Conference champions in women’s basketball and men’s golf.
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